I concur - Take 5 are hands down the best candy bar out there.. I instruct my children during Halloween, if they see one they take it...for the dad tax.
I concur - Take 5 are hands down the best candy bar out there.. I instruct my children during Halloween, if they see one they take it...for the dad tax.
What about Take-5 candy bars? They’re relatively new and also THE BOMB. everything you want in a big ass bite.
why isn't a plane made out of the black box? :D
PBJ + Doritos sandwich yes please
Connor Mcgregor = confidently arrogant.
Vikes got under OBJ’s skin early and didn’t back off. Rhodes was TRYING to get him to lash out every chance he got and just kept riding and broke OBJ down until he resembled a whiny Jay Cutler.
throw an apple in the bag and exponentially increase the ripening effect to the other fruit.
Next to every beautiful woman is a man completely bored with what he would once kill for.
Pink Triangles from Amsterdam were the BEST in 2001/2002. 2.75tenths!
Pikachu’s everywhere? I call BS.. been playing since release and haven’t seen that fucker on my nearby/sighting even once.
Renegade Angel was a odd time of my life..
the one generic I consistently go for is Adderall.. Same fuggin thing, same production line, same company.. they dip a bucket in the production run and go ‘these are generic.’ because they have to have a generic option.
1. change a car tire
Until we tell China to get bent, we aren’t paying. And watch their economy collapse.
ALWAYS have my haunted memento with me.. he’s my shadow.
is it? being old balls i’d call it a tweak.
directly modifying the executable = crack
3rd party application hooking in to modify gameplay = mod
turning on/off different available options contained within an ini file = tweak
just how I view it, but then again it is using ENB to allow these tweaks.. so tweaked mod! huzzah..
Here in central Iowa sports are taken very seriously with the young kids. If your child isn’t committed to a sport by Kindergarten they won’t be making the team...some people will think I’m kidding. Ankeny..
Johnson and Johnsons baby shampoo, beer, molasses... all perfect for spreading on a lawn!