Just a Bear

Alright. I don't play fortnite but this article says it was a season 10 event. IGN says it was a season 11 event. Who is correct?

I think you may have merged a few memes there my friend

Te PS4 Pro didn’t have a 4K Blu Ray drive if I remember correctly? So that’s a nice upgrade even if it isn’t the best for video play back.

When my GMC Terrain died this year (2011, known to have transmission issues unfortunately and not worth the cost to have a new one put in) I got a Chevy Colorado. It’s small enough to be a DD yet capable enough to handle anything I’d ever need to haul or tow. Definitely not as big as some of the monsters on the road

I always do, as well as motion blur

A lot of games do not run on a Mac I know that much. However, I’ve never owned a Mac.

Oh. But buying insomniac was okay? Also, Tomb Raider as a game came out a year later. You didn't pay 60 bucks for an incomplete product. In fact you paid 60 bucks and it was a complete collection. Also, hating PC players for no reason other than the fact that you're an entitled ps4 player means nothing. I own all 4

I agree with you there, although that wasn’t a remake. That was an original game that spawned 2 sequels. This is one whole game that is now being split up. I hope it works but I’m definitely skeptical for right now.

Only part 1 of FF7 remake unfortunately it sounds like

Yeah. Pass for me. Didn’t realize it wasn’t the full game. I’m not playing an episodic game where the episodes are 2 years apart or more, not to mention the fact that they don’t even know how many parts they’ll have? Sounds to me like they’re trying to figure out how they can maximize their money.

Well it’ll get cancelled/shutdown now

III, VC, SA, VCS, and LCS all take place in the same universe so I'd consider them all sequels in a way. Either way the PS2 era GTA games are all great and I still frequently play them

Bturnout 3 Takedown was so good. That and Burnout Revenge are easily two of my favorite arcade racers along with the original NFS Most Wanted and then the kind of sequel NFS Carbon. The old EA/Criterion days were SOOO good. It’s a shame we haven’t a proper Burnout or old school NFS in so long.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I would pay for a remake of original Most Wanted and Carbon in one package. 

Burnout Revenge has always been my favorite in the series. But overall it's a great series. 

I’ve always thought speedrunning was cool but I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

I totally agree. No one bitches and moans about console exclusive games but a FREE PC game client and the community loses it’s shit. I just don’t understand it. 

I’ve never heard a more true statement in my life.

Hhopefully this is fixed in the Lite. Sending in a controller is one thing, but sending in a whole unit? That would be a disaster.