Very astute analysis! Thank you for such a thoughtful response!
Very astute analysis! Thank you for such a thoughtful response!
Yes! Sensationalism is taking over. I actually believe that this is an effect of the “society of the spectacle” and the financial world being tied to big data analytics instead of actual value.
Radical community organization, the cessation of drone attacks, outreach, acceptance, an understanding of the effects of the “society of the spectacle,” anti-racism activism, human rights enforcement, valuing people people over capital, sacrifice, loss of fear, reduction of “othering,” forgiveness, amnesty, DIALOG,…
I think somehow REAL opportunities and GOOD education can go a long way. Some will never be converted to the LOVE train, but many can be, and when a community is able to stick together and have hope, then the haters look just like the criminal jack-asses they are, instead of martyrs.
YES! The majority of all people are capable of love. So much violence. I has a sad.
Yes and no. Good point, though. Seriously.
They are not Islamic, they are a criminal gang that hide behind ideology. If the UN Human Rights Declaration means anything, we should already be organizing a campaign to bring everyone to the table over this. The whole US / Russia stalemate over the Middle East is getting OLD!
I am with you. We don’t need the likes, we need proper community mobilization. We are all divided and conquered by our own hubris. <3
My god, the horror. I am hoping that these continuing events can be a wake-up call to all of us to organize properly into communities and to resist hatred and divisive rhetoric. The answer is always to heal communities, not drop bombs. We are not using our innate philosophical faculties in a proper way, and this…
OMG! I may be a newbie, and this is the first time I’ve seen this awesomeness. (and I started on BITNET before they started calling it the INTERWEBS).
I know you’re going to catch a bunch of shit for this, but there definitely is some female pressure due to porn. I have talked to a lot of women who are afraid of not “meeting expectations.” It’s sad, and also human. And trends be trends.
I have done it. Have known women that prefer some trimming, because, you know, too much hair gets stuck in places where it is not preferred. Then I knew a woman who was like: DON’T TOUCH IT! People are weird. This is most certainly TMI.
Bait. Yep.
I’m glad that you decided to go with wood. Those resin handles “seem” strong, but I woke up in bed with a head wound one day, because I chop the shit out of things.
This shit is happening. NON-STOP. Believe what you want, but we HAVE NO WAY TO KNOW. Welcome t0 the new “normal.”
Colloidal silver can also turn you blue. That seems like more of a deterent.
Thanks for the tip! Excellent!
Had not seen this Zizek quote until now. SOOOO GOOD!
Looks like it’s time to begin litigation. “Discovery,” bitches!