
And I found two comments of yours this time. It said I have five. This is eventually just not going to work. Also, friendly tip. Might want to un-link your personal facebook page from this website. I don't really care, and am not going to do anything, but there are some crazy people in this world. Some guy in the U.S.

Kay, can't find your comment again but I'm going to bed now. Please at least pick one small easy to explain thing from your list of reasons why you hate Sherlock, and give me facts that back it to read when I wake up <3

I will cover this! First, sexism! C'mon man, dear god!

Yes! Debate properly please! We can cover all the subjects, but lets finish one before starting another okay? It helps with organization of thought you know? Just looking out for us both.

Watch season three to find out :D

Aw, I refreshed my page and your replies aren't auto populating anymore. Sad face. Really gotta go now though. I'll sift through this all later. Have fun!

More "truthful"? Closer to the source material? LOL. Sherlock is. Is it totally true to the books? No. But it's closer than Elementary. Something factually wrong with that? Is that incorrect? No.

No, you're intolerant. You wont tolerate Sherlock and continue to bash it. That's intolerant. Ftss wants you to tolerate it and compare the shows objectively. Ftss wont tolerate your intolerance. Honey you've gotta learn to read things properly or this is just gonna get boring.

Molly didn't help Sherlock fake his death, which he couldn't have done otherwise? DAMN I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT DIDN'T MEAN SHIT LOL.

Nope <3 read my short objective comparison of the two shows, love.

Yes you do, because those things are opinion. I can dispute them, can I not? Remember, indisputable evidence is the only way for you to prove why Sherlock is actually a bad show :D

How? Prove it. Indisputably. Sexist? Against whom? Women? No. Sherlock's ass and bare chest were shown in the same episode where Irene was nude.

Prove why their plots are stupid as fact. Don't just state that they're stupid. Prove it. Once you prove it I wont be able to dispute it. As of now I can still dispute it. Try again.

You don't tolerate intolerance. That's how. Do you meet a racist person and think "Oh, okay. No big deal I'm tolerant." LOL NO, you tell them to fuck off and never speak to them again. Bahahaha sir, you are quite the source of entertainment for me right now. What a way to spend valentines day huh?

Are you retarded?

No, objective by definition means NOT being influenced by personal opinion, which everything you've been saying has been. Why don't you try my little game that I posted above ;) C'mon. Prove it to us all! It'll be fun.

Well yay for you. I've got a fun idea. Explain all your opinions factually. PROVE them to be true. Prove ALL your reasons for disliking Sherlock as facts.