Princess Pickle

Ok, you DO win! The story is the history of the Pilgrims, and the book is
"Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War" by Nathaniel Philbrick. I cannot put it down. Rick and Co. endure NOTHING compared to what happened to these people.

But geographically closer to Ann (this is meant for the comment above obviously.)

Here's a hint: As I read I keep thinking "This writer is crazy, there is no way he can expect people to swallow all of this stuff." I have to keep reminding myself that it is a true story.

Honestly, it's sort of close to both, in a puritanical way, but closer to the Bible.

Close, but no.


Ha! I think you win! Sort of…maybe…or did this really happen to you? ;-)

OK, I have a quiz for you guys. I'm reading a very (very) good book atm, and it has some eerie similarities to TWD. Its about a group of people who must leave their home and make their way in a strange, alien land. There is little possibility of return. The group is not homogenous, there is a "core group" and then

I thought it was a good episode. I was into it the entire time. As for Rick and Co. leaving the prison, I get the feeling that he was going to do just that, and his big speech about "all living together and forgetting the past" was a last-ditch effort. If the Gov had said "No, you leave" I thought they would have.

I'll bet that Lizzie is feeding the zombies. She feels sorry for them, especially Nick.

They didn't even take the green tomatoes! And they call themselves Southerners?

Yeah, the new kids were all clean and shiny, well-fed and optimistic. Maybe there's more than one way to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Chris Hardwick thanking his guests for being coherent was wonderful after last week lol

Well I totally missed it because all I heard Daryl say was "Hmmf itghffmmmmm mmmmffgg!!" Yeah, my tv sound isn't great, but I usually can hear what most characters say. For TWD I need to turn on closed captioning. Sometimes the mumbling is so bad that even CC can't figure out what they say. Then its like this:

Exactly. I fully expect that at some point in the near future the prison will be over-run, and our friends will have to hit the road again (perhaps to meet up with Carol, who has figured out where the mysterious signal on the radio is from.) And I will say "Oh well, its not like they did anything with that prison

Alexorella, the above rant is meant to agree with you :) I just re-read it and it sounds more like an argument, but it isn't meant to be that.

TWD is on at the same time as Alaska: The Last Frontier, which is an absolutely mesmerizing documentary show (on the Discovery Channel) about third generation homesteaders in Alaska, who choose to live a subsistence lifestyle from what they can hunt, gather and grow. Watching Eve Kilcher work in her gigantic garden

Daryl's relationships with women seem more of a bromance.

I'm not remotely medically trained, but aren't cholera and dysentery gastrointestinal diseases? This seems more a respiratory disease, like influenza.

Rick didn't shoot her because she asked him not to. I think it was meant to show Rick in his new persona as a gentle farmer who doesn't kill. He doesn't carry a weapon and when he finds one in the dirt he tosses it away. They made a big point of having Herschel tell him that nobody blamed him for not patrolling the