Princess Pickle

Not to mention electrified and patrolled by people with flame throwers. Is there no copy of "Day of the Triffids" in that library? Its practically a manual for how to deal with any situation involving a slow-moving alien species.

Does anybody else have to watch this show with the closed captioning on? I swear these people are muttering and mumbling in Slovakian.

Maybe if Ethel played cricket she would have been worthy of help.

Not sure, but I think Julia was the Woodbury woman who was arguing with Andrea, before Andrea gave her 10 second magic speech. I'm not sure how we were supposed to know her name was Julia. I have trouble understanding some of the dialog on this show, it seems very mumbled at times.

"Because the eternal, recurring point of Downton Abbey is that they’re all in this together." I respectfully disagree. Ask Ethel. She essentially has the same downfall as Thomas, but is shown far less compassion. The only person who helps her is essentially an outsider, Isobel. Even the Dowager Duchess acts only to

Because this is America!

That is so true. I'd be so into this show if Rick would pack everyone into the cars and head for Utah. 

There's a button for that. Life's hard enough as it is without having to dirty it further with "friends" like those.

Admittedly I was a bit tired when I watched this episode last night and I kept thinking I was watching a slightly different show.

It also is a great excuse to divert blame away from himself. Make a speech, remind everyone that you are the leader and the buck stops with you, but that the other guy over there was the cause of the trouble. Classic political move.

It also is a great excuse to divert blame away from himself. Make a speech, remind everyone that you are the leader and the buck stops with you, but that the other guy over there was the cause of the trouble. Classic political move.

We can at least be thankful that everyone wears the same tank tops, not just the women (as is usually the case.) I call it the "Law of Body Armour" where men get full metal chest plates and women get two bandaids and a thong.

We can at least be thankful that everyone wears the same tank tops, not just the women (as is usually the case.) I call it the "Law of Body Armour" where men get full metal chest plates and women get two bandaids and a thong.

Michonne has had so little character development that the tiniest insight into her personality feels like a big deal.

Michonne has had so little character development that the tiniest insight into her personality feels like a big deal.

Please don't say that, they might hear you.

Please don't say that, they might hear you.

Stuff like this sends everyone into a tailspin trying to rationalize her behavior (she's INSANE! She loves ANDREA!) when really she's just a poorly developed character.

Stuff like this sends everyone into a tailspin trying to rationalize her behavior (she's INSANE! She loves ANDREA!) when really she's just a poorly developed character.

Real question was how Lori kept her flowing locks so squeaky clean and shiny. That really bothered me. 3 days camping and mine are full of leaves and twigs, so I know of what I speak.