
I honestly don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.

Hey that’s not fair. There’s also the internet.

I’m a bit more cynical about it. I’m fairly sure they DO teach this in marketing classes. It’s just that people don’t treat it as a cautionary tale and rather do their best to exploit nuance knowing most people won’t catch on.

My favorite academic example of this: Two groups were asked to estimate the speed a car was going during a collision. One group was asked, “How fast was car A going when it hit car B?” The other group was asked, “How fast was car A going when slammed into car B?” The second group estimated a higher speed across the

Even the Chinese are moving away from coal...

There are literally signs for the bathroom everywhere.

Now that you mention it, that was probably the moment he spotted the C6 and realized he wasn’t driving the worst car at the meet. “Sweet. I can be condescending to at least one person.”

Depends what you mean. Synthetic materials get brittle with age, but it’s less of a “cold is bad for them” and more of a “you have to replace wear items” type of situation. So cold is bad for a vinyl top in the same way that cold is bad for every bushing, seal, and belt in your car. I mean, my Z3 was on its third set

I don’t know man. Have you ever chatted with someone who clearly has the worst car at the C&C, but thinks it’s just as good and will not stop telling you why? That’s “Grade A” That Guy right there. I mean, the Ferrari Guy probably sits in the same boat, but there’d be a moment in your conversation where you both spot

There was a Giulia in the mix, presumably to distract the breakdown fairies from all of the Paganis...

I take it you didn’t spot the C6 Corvette? You know that guy spent like 14 hours making sure his dude-this-will-totally-be-a-collectible-someday mass-produced Chevy was super clean before put any miles on it. Wouldn’t want to depreciate it after all...

Don’t know what experts you’re talking about, but the Energetics Engineers at Sandia National Laboratories came up with the carry on liquid limit by actually testing the amount of liquid explosives that would be required to breach the fuselage of an aircraft to determine that 3 ounces of any known liquid explosive

As sort of a personal rule, I don’t trust anyone that knows what any kind of shit tastes like.

Man I don’t get that mentality. Manual tops are faster down, faster up, lighter, and less likely to fail.

Good on ya. I’m the same way. If it’s not currently raining when I set off, then I have the top down because that’s why I bought it. You do get weird looks cruising down the highway in the snow if a wool coat on, but fuck them, I’m having fun.

That trick worked in my Z3. I went through a few rain storms in that thing and as long as you were doing 60+ you stayed pretty dry.

The worst part about having a convertible is, for whatever reason, it’s socially acceptable to make small talk with people with their top down even though anyone would probably think it’s weird under most circumstances to spark up a conversation with someone in a hardtop with their windows down. It’s never anything

Based on the registration process, it doesn’t appear that there is any requirement. Literally the only car related field on the registration form is “Preferred BMW Center” which I’m assuming is the dealer you get your car worked on.

Depends on what type of resin/epoxy you’re using and what you’re keeping inside of it. You pick the former depending on the latter and believe it or not, there are resins that are surprisingly inert. If you can’t find a resin that’s compatible with what you’re trying to hold, you typically use a composite overwrap

Just one more reason to like Kimi. He picks up the bottle and starts swigging before the music even starts.