Boo Hockey

During the post-game press conference, a clearly distraught Bijoux took a shit on the floor and walked away.

Hey, bro, you got time to google NBA scores and email Deadspin, but you can’t check your voicemail?

If it was SVU, Benson would approach him on the sideline. Hardy would take off down the field towards the tunnel only to get blindsided by Stabler (who’d probably give him a Burfict-like hit). Then they’d cut to Tutuola who would look like he just saw a unicorn blowing a dragon.

Found taped to his seat:

Both Army and Navy were consistent top 10 teams (I think 2013 was broke in this regards because the academies always ended up really good).

Yeah, that’s a fair assessment. I guess what I was thinking is that the quarterback on every team could just be QB #1 and race would be randomly determined. Alabama would have a really highly ranked team and Idaho would not. And of course they can skew it so that the teams with a great reputation for football and

Never understood why they wouldn’t just come out with all generic rosters. Leave in the roster editor and let your customers do all the dirty work.

Yeah, I remember seeing the missing flyers for Theresa Halbach and followed that whole trial. To say that “the producers let evidence speak for itself” is incredibly short-sighted.