
It’s a male-dominated field. In most states the license requires at most an Associate’s degree so easy to get that a monkey could graduate with honors. The men in this field feel superior because they get to wear a suit and stand in front of large groups of people and “direct.” Again, a task so easy a monkey could do

It’s actually a really good thing that she didn’t. This career choice was literally (LITERALLY) the single worst decision of my entire life!

Thanks dude!



The dead ones are the easy part. The living ones, for aforementioned reasons, are why my job sucks

....? Not really...

I’m the only female mortician at the funeral home where I work. I work with a gaggle of Neanderthal men with the combined IQ of six, all misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic (and shockingly Trump-supporting!) Philistines. I am calling in sick tomorrow and the place will no doubt burst into flames without the