Bearhugger's Whiskey Cream

As a fellow Scottish person I’d just like to point out that Calvin Harris is a very Scottish name. Not defending the guy, I have friends who have worked with him and the guy’s an idiot. I don’t, however, think he’s trying to sound ‘black’

After posting this I had a look around. Seems the endorsement deals some athletes were getting were blurring the lines between amateur and pro so they decided to let some pros compete in some sports. I guess I can see that, but it’s a little unfair.

I thought pro players were ineligible.

Well, this is infuriating, BUT at least he sticks to his convictions. If you think abortion is wrong and that it is murder, then it makes more sense for you to think it’s wrong in ALL cases than in select cases.

I’m trying to get outraged about an american adaption of a japanese cartoon using american actors and I just can’t.

Well children dying is usually way more impactful on people. I mean how many Syrians have died crossing into Greece but we all still remember the pic of that little boy laying lifeless in the sand.

The death of children is always considered more tragic than the death of an adult.

Because, manly!

Yes, this one man represents the entire populace that voted to leave.

So can we talk about how Nigel Farage should be mowed down by a double decker bus? CAUSE YEAH.

but they don’t let women play...

Right, which is why I copped to the fact I’m putting too much stock into their recent Euro performances. In the last couple weeks though I’d have them higher than Portugal.

Walk your ass over to prison. You don’t shoot someone through a closed door four times in self-defense. What a pathetic pity grab. Let’s hope it doesn’t work.

He clearly intended to murder whoever was behind that bathroom door. The fact that it was Reeva in there and not an intruder is beside the point.

Things like punk, often described as a white working class genre, have a foundation in the yardie culture of Jamaicans and the accompanying sound of ska

Wow, turns out white guys don’t like hearing they are shit all the time, who’d have known? Calling an average guy minding his own business a douche is OK, because men.

Brazilian here. Although the article is factually correct, I think it would be useful to expand the information a bit, in order to get more context. Since I already sort of did that with my comment in the article about the Italian woman burnt alive by an ex-boyfriend, here it goes:

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

Well, David Brooks is a moron, to be fair.