Bearhugger's Whiskey Cream

why is jezebel pretending to care? fuck white men

Gilmore Girls is doing just fine. Sex and the City is shit.

You know, you are right. Orange is the New Black has an 8.1 rating among men and an 8.6 rating with women. I’m not sure this is a men vote down women’s shows thing or just that men don’t particularly like SATC. For which I can not particularly blame them

Some of my favorite films are chick flicks. Alien. Aliens. Resident Evil. Terminators 1 and 2. Contact. The Descent. Mad Max. The Force Awakens. Such great chick flicks.

If you have crappy shows like SATC or all the Shonda Rhimes dreck, you get crappy ratings, when you have good shows with one or more strong female leads, like Jessica Jones or OITNB, the difference between the average male vote and the average female vote is a lot smaller, pretty much like the average male/female

So a show geared toward a specific gender doesn’t appeal to the other gender? Shocking news!

I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just

Jen Kirkman hates you for continuously reporting on this non story.

Why should comedians get any slack regular people don’t get? I thought an accusation was an automatic conviction with the jezzy set.

I’ve never been down with the modern progressive thought that all allegations/accusations must immediately be taken as factual. It’s rife for manipulation.

If people aren't willing to give their names in connection to an accusation, I won't take it seriously nor would I expect anyone else to.

Especially when another male comedian admitted it was him (Doug Stanhope). There could be two, but...

These “stories” about Louis Ck; they’re rumors cobbled together into muddy accusations. Jen Kirkman hates you for continuously reporting on this non story.

I was saying the same thing at the same time, but I’m in the greys. Thank you.

Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

This is a celebrity gossip site that trades in speculation, criticism, and ridicule of people’s personal lives and choices, etc. - this is par for the course.

God fucking forbid we ever judge anyone except in pseudo righteous anger!

Say everything you want about Woody Allen and his grossness, but it seems really poor taste to pull the Hitler card on him... That’s really uncomfortable considering.

So basically if a woman makes a stupid sexual choice in her early twenties with a much older male in a position of power over her, we can use it to attack the credibility of her beliefs in perpetuity? Sounds like slut shaming to me.

“Sleeping with a married director”