Bearhugger's Whiskey Cream

Yeah, I’m not overly familiar with celeb gossip in general or these violence allegations in particular, but if a partner is physically abusive whether or not they ‘sorry’ shouldn’t be an issue.

For the last time, you guys. Proper etiquette in a murder/suicide is suicide then murder. Not the other way around.

Shit, in men’s bathrooms it’s a competition to see who can be the loudest.

Life expectancy in the US for a woman is 78 years old. She’s 4 years shy of being smack in the middle of middle aged.

Because they aren’t snobs? If you’re happy sweeping the streets, or driving a truck, or serving people incDonalds go for it. The mark of a successful life isn’t how much you get paid.

Their separation of church and state is much more rigorous. As I understand it, a nun could not wear her habit in a government building. This is the only thing that kept me from denouncing the veil ban in French schools; I don’t disagree with it, but it’s internally consistent.

It’s a shame because France is (was?) much more progressive when it comes to the other end of the scale. They take (took?) sexual equality much more seriously. Anywhere a man can be topless, so can a woman.

To be fair, this is demonstrably untrue. There’s hundreds of millions of women who are dictated to exactly this way and... well... nothing much has happened to the men. Though to be fair, the people telling women what to wear are just as often other women.

No, “Ollie Ollie Oxen Free” is right.

I played something like this, but it was a separate game to Hide and Seek, it was called Relievo.

You understand that filling false police reports can lead to other people going to jail, right? You don’t think that merits a decent punishment?

Couldn’t be less like Gordon Ramsey

“There are few kinds of people more awful to work with than someone so thoroughly caught up in the supposed righteousness of their cause that anyone who isn’t perceived as being as dedicated to it as them is viewed as a heretic.”

Counterpoint: Donald Trump is actually a really nice guy and this whole run was just a massive troll of the right wing. He set up an acid test of Poe’s law and it has passed with flying colours.

Umm.... there’s a fair number of my facebook friends that’d suffice, I think.

Can I just point out how much the Jezebel commentariat have changed their tune? Yesterday it was “What a corrupt hellhole, how dare they doubt an American?! How can they possibly think this will end well for them?”

Because it would be admitting legal liability for what he did. And his contrition only goes so far.

So, is there anyway to point out that accusation isn’t the same as proof in your mind that isn’t rape apologism?

“So a dude was accused of assaulting some women and another dude defended him but we’re supposed to be mad as this woman?”

As opposed to the squeaky clean American criminal justice system?