Bearhugger's Whiskey Cream

Yes, when will the authorities learn that making sure crimes are followed up on is a secondary consideration to effective marketing? You don’t get a free pass just because you are American abroad.

Why won’t you believe the victim?! What, were their Speedos too short? Were they asking for it?

There’s always Last Week Tonight. I think the standard of quality has dropped recently, but it’s still solid.

The difference is, Jon Stewart was in many ways carving his own niche. There is a successful template out there now.

Perhaps the vote otherwise would have been 60% rather than 52%. Also, no-one on either side had ever advocated violence. It was a bitter debate, but nowhere near this American race.

This. Authorship by committee or by PR team lacks authenticity.

And if she were killed, the democratic victory would be an absolute landslide. They could put a circus clown for nomination and people from both sides of the political divide would vote for him/her just out of principle.

Meh, he won’t nuke us. He has golf courses here.

Yeah, Brits are fairly evenly split on whether they would want to get rid of the monarchy or not.

I read the BBC article on this yesterday. IIRC, the cause of the belief is that Chinese women don’t really use Tampons, but use Sanitary pads instead. I’m chromosonally challenged, so I have no experience with either product. Presumably swimming with a pad would be unfeasible as it would immediately ... swell up like

Lots of caveats in the linked article. Original group wasn’t purely university students, but the current group is, for one.

Good kid. Was this something he came to independently or was it something he was encouraged to reject? Not asking with any kind of agenda, just curious. Not many 5th graders with the wherewithal to understand what propaganda is.

I believe all religions are, to a greater or lesser extent, made up and silly. However, Wiccans rate somewhere along the same level as Druids or LARPers.

To be fair, exclusivity can be a good business model. If there’s a product that 99% of the population can’t buy, the other 1% will pay way above the item’s real value just to have it as a status symbol.

Even at 1/10 it’s not reassuring to me. That being said, I’m not a resident of your fair country, so I’m not going to be directly impacted. We have our own idiots to deal with. 52% of the voting population at last count.

At 78.8% you’re calm? That’s a 1 in 5 chance he will get in. I’ve bet on horses with worse odds and won.

It won’t be much different if he wins. Run on a platform of racists and win? Racism is seen as getting tacit approval.

As apposed to “I pledge allegiance to the flag...”

This. I think this is a good move, but it would be cheaper for the city if people could just mind their own business when someone is breastfeeding. The rooms could be repurposed as childcare/changing rooms which would see more use by fathers and non-nursing mothers.

Yeah, my born and raised Jamaican colleague must be hella racist because he can’t understand a lot of it either. She’s doing it badly, is the point.