
Can anyone who knows the ins and outs explain why he’s no longer at Nerdist and its parent company? Wishful thinking to think they got wise and let him go?

I believe her. Hardwick can eat a bowl of dicks.

That is fucking evil.

I noticed this when it was covered yesterday, but I let it ride.

Yessss! Dance my man, dance!

The original Tony tweet was so weird, because if Rachel Bloom wasn’t a famous person he had met and he haden’t made a mistake, then it would just be rude and weird instead of being rude and clueless.

I did not know this but I am 100% here for it.

“Racy” is a gross overstatement of the video of Meghan, it’s so tame it’s almost boring. The hamburger is the most exciting thing about it. She’s showing some skin here, but is still fully clothed, it’s not like she’s wearing a bikini or lingerie. Even if she was that still would not give them permission to take and

I’m impressed by the $100,000 bail  

Oooh, drag this shitty person. What kind of human being takes time out of their day to do something like this to a homeless person? He deserves no mercy.

Now playing what a shocker...not, tell ‘em Brother Martin

We need to take this opportunity to encourage voters to #VoteEveryElection.

Yeah so fuck these morons and Team Dark Meat (not a euphemism).

“Some of them heard their children screaming for them in the next room,” congresswoman Pramila Jayapal told the Washington Post of immigrant women held in a federal prison facility who had been separated from their children. “Not a single one of them had been allowed to say goodbye or explain to them what was

Hosts can definitely love, otherwise the awakened hosts wouldn’t be so motivated by love:

Unfortunately the winning guess was: