
Hey, I think she looks great. If anybody wanted to publish my after-baby pics, somebody better photoshop the bags under my eyes and my ever-present sweatpants!

Why do you have to hurt me like this, July? #MaidbetterleavetheVOTF!

Finn Jones is a terrible actor. I just finished my yearly GOT holiday binge, and he’s bad in that too. Jones has an interesting look, but he comes across flat. I loved the rest of the Netflix Marvel shows but could barely push through Iron Fist.

I would buy a commemorative coin (or t-shirt) with the newlyweds and the Obamas on one side and a crying Trump on the other. Make it happen Interwebs!

For some reason, I keep thinking of the end of Finding Nemo where all the fish finally make a go of it and escape. I think that’s what’s going on in Donnie’s mouth...

Never trust a man with a pencil mustache!

Wow, is there a reason why people are so snarktastic about this? Geez, let these two do what they want. Last week I got so fed up with Trump, I looked up frill sharks as a palate cleanser.I am up for any stories about happy couples, cute puppies, babies dressed up in crazy outfits, and whatever else is a wonderfully

Great breakdown! The only missing piece is the role the Development Office plays in the process.

I’ve been waiting for this story to pop here. Admission to an ivy league university is not fully merit based—not due to the color of a student’s skin, but due to their money and family/business connections. I don’t know how this isn’t common knowledge. You can be the smartest kid in your school and spend all your free

I would feel better about the year if she would wear a tiara all the time. Can Michelle Obama get a matching tiara, too? I mean, I’m pretty sure we deserve it.

To quote Terry Crews, “no one gets a pass”. These are grown ass men that know the shit that they’re pulling is wrong. I’m not going to play the “whose molestation is worst” game. Act like a damn adult, or expect to be cancelled.

Just to put this out there, there are some very serious consequences to abruptly stopping anti-anxiety meds. (Not saying that’s what happened here, but this is seriously important.) You can’t not take your meds because you forget to get a new RX from your doctor or can’t really afford the pills. If you stop cold

Oh man, the feels! The Muppets and Sesame Street were woven into my childhood via Betamax and VHS tapes. My dad died when I was little, and the emotions displayed in the Henson productions meant so much to me. I really needed “Follow that Bird”. It gave me a space to work out my feelings when the grown ups in my life

Ugh, I meant to write that I’m NOT sure what the solution is. Please know that there are real benefits to neighborhood schools and caring communities.

I recently left my job to get my MAT in Special Education. I now work in a high needs school. My son attends a school in an affluent neighborhood. (I moved here specifically for the schools long before I started teaching.) As a parent and a future teacher, I can definitively tell you the differences in school

So what about God? He didn’t speak to you either, huh? I thought this dude was responsible to some higher power. He didn’t think Jesus wanted more than some damn platitudes on Twitter. Go back, and think of a better excuse. Then come back and do everything you can do to help your neighbors.

My kiddo’s last name is hyphenated with my last name first. I like my last name, and I didn’t change it when I got married. If for whatever reason my kiddo wants to change it/drop one of the names, that’s his choice when he grows up.

I watched the interview this morning, and the not-PC thing has stuck in my head all day. If someone says they like not having to be PC essentially it means that they don’t care if they hurt you, your friends, and your family. Being able to say what they want—knowing it’s offensive—is more important than your value as

Wouldn’t a “Fyre Festival-quality meal” be a slice of processed cheese on white bread? So doable!

All of these photos are reminding me how much I loved being pregnant and how much I appreciated my body right afterwards. When I would strap my tiny kiddo in his baby wrap, and head to the park, I never felt better. We need more images like these. It’s not that she looks hot (which she does—in spades) but that she’s