
You know what, I'd say you are 50% right.

You're right. That's where Kevin used to go to hang his shirts and where the cabin he took Not-Ghost Patti is located.

Frak me. You are right. I'm sorry for catching you off guard. I have erased the word. Maybe now you should edit your comment as well?

About Virgil being a pedophile, I was under the impression that he sexually abused Michael (or Evie), not John. It would be around the time when Michael was 4 years old, right? John would be out of his mind about what he just found out his father had done to his son so he went over there and shot his old man. I think


That's what I like the most about Nora. In my opinion, she's the best anti-hero on TV right now.

I did, and it was the version that touched me the most. More melancholic than sad. Good ear, McQuickly.

"If MiB could only take the form of dead people whose bodies were on the Island, then why did he take Isabella's form in Ab Aeterno?"

Wait. What? No Doggett? That, sir, is no X-Files to me.

Well, stef_bee, there are two different types of Isabella apparition in this episode.

It's true, MIB could only take the physical form of dead people whose bodies were on the island.

Same here.

I'd say you kind of could see that coming in season 1's "Introduction to Statistics", in which Chang gives Jeff some advice that leads to him taking Professor Slater out to have sex with her. (Though he ends up not doing it in that episode, as he decides to help Pierce out of his office furniture fortress.)

Well, I watched this one episode — I was visiting for mothers' day and she has HBO. There actually was a naked couple on-screen (Ramsay and whatshername) and they did kind of start having sex, I guess. But you have to admit that in GoT sex is like the unsexiest thing there is. I guess I'd have more of a problem

Absolutely. As the screen faded to black, my mom said "that's it". "Quiet, mom", I said to her. That would be cheap as fuck.

So… What about Leonard flipping the bird, huh? Swear words coming up anytime soon, I guess.

I noticed the new, brighter lighting as well, but it bothers me more in the study room than any other sets.

So you're saying the corpse wasn't Ian McShane?

"Jack does it to rescue her, cutting Ben’s kidney and refusing to stitch it up unless Kate—and only Kate—is set free. It’s simultaneously selfless and selfish, sacrificing his own shot at freedom while simultaneously separating Kate from Sawyer."
