
@themexicangamer: And the reason I game on a PC is because I get an uncompromising experience.

@trogam: You serious? The 8600 GT is very low end these days and even SLIed it won't get near anything higher end than it. Even a 9600 GT smokes a pair of 8600 GT's. I think my old graphics cards, a pair of 7800 GT's from 2005 could beat a pair of 8600 GT's. Really for $120-150, just get an ATI 4850, best bang for

@Fizgot: Really? That's what is going going to keep you from getting this? Just go to your favorite torrent site and download the damn box art and insert and buy this game, it's amazing.

I went to a local Best Buy a few days ago and they had their shelf full of Wiis as well as copies Wii Fit. I was rather shocked.

@BillyTheRatKing:I think it will be hard to judge based on a demo if it's good. The biggest fear I have is that after 3 hours the freerunning will just get boring and gimmicky.

@Bluestreak2: Or a "beta" like we got for TF2 last year. That was awesome.

@fumar: Oh and kudos to Nintendo for supporting a diehard fan in a moment of need.

Sucks that all of his games and gear got stolen, but how could you possibly want to play 66 different Wii games? I mean I can't think of more than 20 that are at least marginally good.

@jackal888: Yeah some next gen SSX would be awesome. It would actually give me a reason to buy a PS3 or 360 assuming there's no PC port.

@le_sacre: I can. You don't feel Obama is a good leader, as proven by his paltry Senate record. You don't agree with Obama's "wealth distribution" plan, aka Socialism Lite.

@Darren W.: Probably who I'm voting for, not that my vote will count (I live in Illinois) or will be even counted for that matter (I live next to Chicago, notorious for voter fraud).

@tzaketh: Any game that is on Steam and I want I buy there rather than at a store, its just easier for me.

@skewt: Yes, but unlike Wii sales, these games don't suck.

@Strangelove: Agreed. TF2 is getting more like CS with hackers now too which makes me sad.

@GlItCh017: Its sitting at the bottom of Steam, just begging me to play it... DAMN YOU VALVE!!! (jk I love you Valve!)

@Cheroro: Actually this is a victory for the 360 because Microsoft got torched last generation in Japan. And the last few months the 360 has outsold the PS3 in Japan, something I didn't think would happen this generation.

@Ungruntled: Rock Band + alcohol + girls = win.

"8. The Long Awaited Sequel (see Deus Ex: Invisible War, Driv3r, Devil May Cry 2)" Needs Half Life 2 and Duke Nukem Forever.

@PsycheE: That's because the only good games for the PC to come out recently have been from EA. This is also a blah year for PC gaming, compared to last year.