fully nude GOP dude

Sanders was not a household name for decades, and when BLM came to him seeking a sympathetic ear they were roundly dismissed for weeks and told that all their issues were really just sub-issues of the things he cares about.

“a man who appears to be a Clinton campaign aide tries to usher her away. “We gotta give somebody else a chance””....you mean MN Governor Mark Dayton.

What are you talking about? Have you not heard of the internet and arab princes? They will buy a few of these and trash the shit out of one, chrome the other and the third will be for their cheetah to ruin the seats.

Feel the (turf) burn.

Whoa there retard, maybe you should try explaining who the fuck this guy is instead of making seem even more irrelevant.

Well, it would be The Cosby Show, but...

oh my god. this sounds so ridic that it has to be made up, right?