why does taylor get a pass on this? Wasn’t suckerpunch crucified for doing something similar with its presentation of women? Leave it to a music blog -
Different samples I'm afraid...
you guys as well?! I'm starting to think this a conspiracy. Why isn't anyone else on the net (bar http://www.divadevotee.com/2014/09/aretha…) saying how this was not good.
Bey probably did that to get a writer's credit- she's got form for it. Did the same thing with 1+1, where she changed "Algebra" to "Algeba" and hey presto, was listed as a writer.
Prancercise needs to take off and become a movement just so I can see this done by hoards of people at once! I think it could save humanity...until then, keep getting money from those YouTube videos , Joanna!
posted on the wrong site...can't seem to delete. SOrry!
'Some of these brands are iconic: Head and Shoulders, Secret, Cascade, Mr.Clean' , erm I've only heard of the first one. Maybe its an American thing, no? Either that, or, quite possibly,I'm out of touch with what's being sold in the shops.
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lol! SNEAKY SNEAKY . I love her face in the first instagram. She looks like she couldn't be any happier.
this is just cold blooded!! Poor Mariah.
Oh please,you lot are always destroying my childhood- abused Disney princess post, anyone? Feel the wrath of karma!!
Did she make this herself?