
why does taylor get a pass on this? Wasn’t suckerpunch crucified for doing something similar with its presentation of women? Leave it to a music blog -

Now playing

Bey probably did that to get a writer's credit- she's got form for it. Did the same thing with 1+1, where she changed "Algebra" to "Algeba" and hey presto, was listed as a writer.

Prancercise needs to take off and become a movement just so I can see this done by hoards of people at once! I think it could save humanity...until then, keep getting money from those YouTube videos , Joanna!

posted on the wrong site...can't seem to delete. SOrry!

'Some of these brands are iconic: Head and Shoulders, Secret, Cascade, Mr.Clean' , erm I've only heard of the first one. Maybe its an American thing, no? Either that, or, quite possibly,I'm out of touch with what's being sold in the shops.

sure is! Behold more:

lol! SNEAKY SNEAKY . I love her face in the first instagram. She looks like she couldn't be any happier.

this is just cold blooded!! Poor Mariah.

Oh please,you lot are always destroying my childhood- abused Disney princess post, anyone? Feel the wrath of karma!!

Did she make this herself?
