I’ve really never enjoyed the angular f-1 inspired models. Those cars lost a lot of their charm and subtlety.
I’ve really never enjoyed the angular f-1 inspired models. Those cars lost a lot of their charm and subtlety.
Text messages without close-ups of genitals? This is the last thing I would have expected to see being punished after how some of top ranks of our Armed Forces behave.
This story is so bizarre that I don’t believe either side. Both sound like they’re covering their asses by exaggerating. The final story is probably going to be something between the two extremes.
You don’t think a man in a van can get laid? People bang in buses all the time.
In the Southeast?
You think they would have learned their lesson after the last time they let a woman into the men’s room and the camera got streaked. Don’t pick male reporters to do those interviews, it’s much funnier having an embarrassed woman trying to keep a straight face during the interview.
If they were really going that slowly then they were a moving hazard and it would have been legal to pass them. The “double yellow” excuse doesn’t hold any water when you’re trying to justify vehicular battery; they’re completely different classes of violation. I definitely believe the car driver will be punished for…
I have seen some unfortunate names in my line of work. I do not blame the owner of the name (until they are old enough to change it), I blame their asshole parents for not caring about their children’s futures. There is no reason to name your kid “Shithead” (shuh-thayd) unless you didn’t want them to begin with.
Burnt orange: It is the most 2002 of all the colors.
Like spontaneous genital loss?
Georgia? My first thought is drugs, which are known to make people do strange things.
Hey now, that Corvette owner is a hard working, capitalist patriot that buys American and hopefully votes. Now watch me deflect any and all questions about why the perpetrator had a firearm.
That was one of my favorite stories, too. Stupidity should be rewarded in kind.
You’re ignoring that they now have a perfectly valid reason to make Germans the bad guys in a film again.
I would have chosen him over Rutledge Wood at least.
I was thinking the same thing about torque steer until I realized these are going to be doing 10mph under the speed limit in the left lane at all times. They also ripped off Bentley harder than Ford did to Aston Martin but that’s another problem.
Well first of all, Roger is a tentacle beast and Francine has a penis. Hayley fights the establishment by reciting the magic words and transforming into Sailor Hayley’s Comet. Steve of course is a hikikomori. For the season finale Japanese Dad retires after his boss embezzels state funds and jumps off a roof.