My least favorite word is “moist”.
My least favorite word is “moist”.
What, pray tell, is a geographic age?
People that intend to do great harm will do so. Regardless of what weapon is or is not available.
In the context that it is Hilary Duff with knowledge of shirt tucking, that's a pretty significant achievement
Define “Big”.
I agree. By this standard, Limousines and the like would need to do the same.
I’m sorry, but no. There are still vehicular laws, regardless if you are a taxi or privately owned vehicle. Letting others know that you are a taxi service does not exempt you from this behavior. The idea that letting people know you are a taxi service so this behavior “might happen” would only reinforce the behavior…
Soooo, the producer doesn't get any heat from this?
That's the smart money.
Don’t think that is a fair comparison. They are considered “developing”, “underdeveloped”, or “third-world” nations. The graphic all shows “first-world” or “leading” or “developed” nations.
Wow, just...
You are not missing anything by not playing it. The game is boooooring. I am like you, I have been playing MGS since it came out and fell in love. But this newest game was just awful.
In my personal opinion, acting is the one job that being replaced is very personal. You put your heart and soul into a role. You breathe life into a character. Then someone says that you are not the right person to play the part. YOU, the person who brought that person a voice, a life, not right for the part.
Am I to understand that the paid for DLC is mostly game tweaks such as, adding this existing gameplay onto an existing map? These are things that other companies would do outside of a DLC. I'm glad I didn't pay $60 for the DLC.
So edgy, I bet he is straight edge.
Puleeeze …
…stating that they [the police] were following the procedure set when a “potential threat” is discovered. Van Duyne said that from the information she had seen, Mohammed had been “non-responsive” and “passive aggressive” in response to questions from police officers.