I am VERY curious to know what the shipping information was from Bruce’s end. “Missouri”, “Michigan”, someone from New Zealand could be easily confused on that. Was it also an issue of him using initials for the state and placing the wrong letters, or having poor handwriting if it was done manually?
I know that for a lot of people, it has to do with more and more Doctor Offices refusing to accept the government subsidized insurance. It doesn’t reimburse the Doctor Offices enough to be affordable on their end. Some Doctors are even closing the offices and moving to hospitals, universities, or the like so they can…
So this leaves precedence in that state, right? If you have a government job and become arrested for failing to comply with the laws of this state in performing your job, you are just to be released and given your job back. That is what I am seeing here. No actual recourse. Or am I wrong?
I know I have seen the dubbed one. However, after buying this after the release about 10 or 12 years ago, it is the only version I remember.
I totally skipped Ground Zeroes. I'm banking that it will be the first 45 min of gameplay in Phantom Pain, much how the tanker level was a demo for MGS2 but was also the first 45min of the game.
My father passed when I was 9. It sucked, my life, my best friend had been ripped from me. After several years, my mother, brother, and I learned to move on.
Worst troll.
Never having read the comic, I thought the show was great. I thought the soildier’s and citizens were pretty spot on.
I'm so stealing that. Best one I have read yet.
Ooooh oooh I have one like that!
That is one of my favs
I have delivered the best, sickest, most ruthless burns in the history of the burn ward, EVER....the next day...while I'm in my shower.
My favorite part, that she “apologizes” but never actually makes an apology to the clerk.
Norman really looks like he is performing the most smooth ass photo bomb in the history of p bombs.
So what happens when you schedule it, then something happens and you cannot fulfill that plan, do you reschedule? If the issue is on your end where the scheduled romp falls apart ( you have to make an errand or something) are you seen as the bad guy, and vice versa?
My God, I need this on my iPod.
So, changing the bat shape changes the strategy in which the game is played. I like this idea. Almost as if we have kept the current shape and tweaked here and there to refine the current stratagem and not redefine it.
What about a kickstarter for a faculty free prom?