Fantastic article! Great read, full of rid-bits of thinks I didn't know about something I thought I had a firm grasp of. Just great!
Fantastic article! Great read, full of rid-bits of thinks I didn't know about something I thought I had a firm grasp of. Just great!
yes, I felt his evil through the tv. I really try to give people the full benefit of doubt, I'm one of those, "always innocent until proven guilty types". This guy though, has always felt, just wrong to me.
actually, that game is still one of the...prettiest? Games I have played. Obviously gruesome and what not, and typical hack and slash fare, but something about it. Maybe the lighting, the music, the general fare, was just amazing to watch for me.
I don't think there is any one thing any person should ask. Maybe a magical question for each couple, but that question should be different for each person. In turn, it should be different for each couple as well. But no one question that is the perfect question to ask, other than, "Will you marry me?"
I smoked a joint with willie Nelson.
Nah, the best of that picture is her eyes. They are so crooked. I never noticed.
"We like to consider ourselves 12th-graders, the guys with more experience than the ninth-graders, the ones that the girls want to fuck. I mean, time and age are really irrelevant to me. Johnny is the same way. Sometimes, I think I'm trapped in the age that I started this. I'm trapped at 23."
is that what I keep stubbing my toes on? Good to know thats what it is. I knew I had my own fumes, but didn't know I was tripping over them.
I "think" I may understand. Let me see if I get what you are trying to get at.
I really really want to like you. You seem like the type of guy that would be my friend.
Sad part is, I have already seen some hate towards Sony for this. My best friend immediately started dropping F-Bombs Sony's way when the denial of service attack happened. Saying stuff like, "Twice in a row" and "Sony needs to get their shit together, tired of paying for something I can't use".
Love is not dead. As long as Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn are forever together in unwedded bliss, then all is right with the world.
I SERIOUSLY had to re-read the title, like, four times before I realized it said Whitney.
Also, her head, it is large. Like real damn big. I bet her mother secretly despises what Nicki did to her downstairs, know, her head is so huge in that picture.
Is it too much to as for a decent Halloween costume store? I would like to rent some Hollywood grade stuff every once and awhile.
I have avoided buying this, even though I am the biggest Metal Gear fan. I am placing my money that it will, in some way, be a part of the Phantom Pain.