
I thought it was funny.
But I also thought the Dr Pepper 10 commercial was funny too.

So what I'm hearing is that there is an entire untapped market available?

That's why I pretty much stick to gift cards when it comes to purchasing her clothes.

I have kicked an idea around for a book similar to this.
Guy is surrounded by actresses as part of his job, however a starlet gives gifts and during a dinner is caught on camera in an embrace. Totally platonic, but the protagonist's wife doesn't see it as such. Makes his life hell, she leaves. His work suffers, he is

Correct me here if I am wrong, I just don't know...
Would "Plus Size" equate to "Big and Tall"?
Is she tall? So her waist size is an 8, but is she tall enough that standard garments won't fit?
I ask because my wife is in a similar situation. She is in no way "Plus Sized", however, she has trouble finding everyday clothes

Yeah, been doing it to enter my apartment's gate from the intersection for years.

What ever happened to "sticks and stones will hurt my bones, words will never hurt me"? No reason for violence in this case, and now to file a suit AFTER she loosed her attack dog seems counter productive.

How do you tell? I don't know. I pay a mortgage and I'm not even sure I'm an adult.

How do you complete a survey like this? How does one know if they are happier with kids than without, since they have them (or have had them), they do not have a basis for opinion and vice verse?
Not only that, but how do you measure your happiness to another's? What causes your neighbor immense joy could be meh, or

I get what you are saying and am not saying you are wrong. My opinion has always been that it is MORE offensive to write or create a character specifically for the point of diversification. Any one of the main characters currently could have been a POC. I don't know their casting process and am not going to pretend I

All my life, I have been told that you need to tell an adult because they will help you. They are your heroes and pillars of justice in our society. When we go to tell an adult (any authority figure), we are doing several things: ensuring we, the victim are physically and emotionally okay, looking for swift justice

Mcdonalds had, at one time, something called a Mcstuffin. Kind of like a hot pocket. Came out about the time hot pockets grew famous. Obviously did not do well. But OMG do I want one. They were gooooood.

If he is a Stephen King guy, get him the Dark Tower graphic novels. Beautifully drawn with new stories that elaborate on some of King's best work, but in comic book form.

Generally speaking, people don't know how to rate items. ESPECIALLY on Amazon.

"Beyond: Two Souls Works Well As A 4.5-Hour Ellen Page Movie"

My head exploded into rainbows and glitter, that first video was so cute.

Sounds like it would work better as a tv show, a la Futurama.

Shame on you.

You are right, it IS funny reading the comments.

I am actually surprised that so many people are automatically dismissing this show because the sub commander disobeyed his order. The thing we have to realize is that there were only two nuke launches against enemies in history, and that was before anyone understood the entire threat of the weapon. So the idea is