
Still own mine

Ok, I see what you mean. That it was taken by Airman so it is an Airforce photo. I am corrected in that aspect. I misspoke.

Had the same experience, but when we got back, everyone went directly to the combat games.

When I was in Iraq, there was these places called MWR (Mental Welfar and Recreation) Centers. There were tables set up with books for the taking and leaving, like take-a-penny leave-a-penny trays. They had some really crappy books, but some real jewels. I have read, as others posted in this list, Ender's Game, and

Think it should be flamed completely throughout the article. However there should be umpteen-billion billion sponsored pop-ups and windows for everything Lucasfilms LTD has on the shelves within the article. Just to have the proper balance in the Force.

I may have to get into digital comics simply because of space. I pick up about 20 titles a month, that grows quickly, and while my wife is forgiving, I foresee it causing an issue. What I am concerned with about digital is this: How do I know the format will not change? In ten years, will I still be able to

Apple, leading the way in FOXCON deaths.

I saw that movie, it was called Leviathan.

I love Cap, the coolest thing abut him in the comics is everyone's reaction to him.

Anything for safari?

@stylinred: Yeah, that is why I stayed at the hospital for nine months doing rehab, because it was remote.

What I "love" about the Syfy remake of Being Human, is that they are promoting it as a Syfy "original".

Let me re-write this article.

So the highway will be shutdown for roadectomies, another reason to buy a jet pack!

It is on the station "HDNet Movies" all the time.

@B_Ren: Nuke it from orbit, thats the only way to be sure.

Wait!!! Is he in Ghost Rider 2 or is he IN Ghost Rider too?