
I thought this was the whole reason Marvel agreed to be bought by Disney? This EXACT reason, so they could make sure the money is there for Marvel Studios?

@Brian McDonald: Wait...does that mean neither of us no longer exist? Because I still feel hungry.

This is why I hate Grant Morrison

I love Fables, but have you ever tried to explain the premise of the book to someone who has never heard of it?

@CmdrHunt - Agent of Time Corps: I agree with the Capt. A stuff. However, seeing the the director's previous work and knowing Cap is going to try to go AWOL instead of be all he can be sometime in the movie still makes me skittish.

Her costume looks sharp!

@Ceric Neesh: Or if you are just saying Hugh Laurie. I can get behind that too.

@chris.sonofskywalker: When most people have a link and say this (insert noun here) ripped off this other (insert noun here), it is usually vague references that just seem similar. This is actually almost word for word. That is crazy.

To find footage on the moon, you have to send people to the moon to create the footage in the first place.

@thegreatpablo: You shouldn't explain it. It's more fun that way.

At 2:30, you get a righteous look at Beast's mullet.

@Mastiff: Perhaps. I have never seen the movie, and this scene taken out of context like this could be perceieved as the same story function used in "Lola".

I can argue the exact same thing happened in Run Lola, Run.

@crosis101: I want to know why you didn't start singing Queen afterwards?

What was Green Lantern up against? Surely not TRON LEGACY because that would be ridonculous to think that is super awesomely highly anticipated.

@Nivenus: Man vs Man; Man vs God, Man vs Self (I think there is one more). Man vs Self, I don't know if that is a protagonist/antagonist battle as it is a struggle from within. Interesting topic though.

@Nivenus: I will have to disagree with you good sir. For the most part, good Star Trek is usually framed by great villians. Star Trek IV showed us that all you really need is to have good story telling and have fun telling the story to have a good film.