I had a Wrangler. Slow but wicked fun to drive "fast". Yea there's some rollover risk, but that just meant it was easier to get it on two wheels! Plus you have a convertible for the summer.
...Power Rangers? :p
Grew up in the flight path of Westover in MA, you could practically reach out and touch these as they came down! I'm so used to the noise though it's always funny when a friends visits, they stop and look around while I wonder what they're reacting to haha.
You could donate it to Bob Lutz as a tax write-off!
Ugh, I bet big on them, so far it's paid off but it is a bit nail-biting haha.
It's almost in NYC, so 2 or 2 1/2 hours depending on where in the state you are. Plus you have to take I-95 to get there...ugh.
He was the art director for Raiders, so still very much responsible for the look and feel of the film.
Noooo, sorry haha, wasn't clear.
In the last book Clancy published before he died, Command Authority, this happened. The whole book actually is pretty much a what-if version of Putin's rise to power. Russian KGB agent works for Yeltsin, pulls strings and eventually becomes President, with plans to renew the USSR.
Did you read Clancy's last book? This is LITERALLY exactly what happens in part of the book. Russians stage a riot in the Ukraine and take over claiming it as a peace-keeping action.
Yea but Sony's a huge company with a lot of different ventures besides gaming. Nintendo ONLY does gaming, so 11 billion for them is a pretty big sum in comparison.
You forgot the part about the ridiculously addictive air battles and how much fun they are.
Of course what no ones says is the rest of the year there's about 5 people in those stands haha.
They filmed all the car scenes at one track. Could you imagine having to haul around a grid of vintage F1 cars around the world to film! :X
It's actually a traditional joke line, been in every game since MGS2.
I remember reading somewhere that Jack White originally wrote it with a spy movie feel in mind...which makes me really disappointed that of ALL the films they could've licensed to use it it went to that AWFUL film.
There defintely are some changes. I played it at PAX East when they first announced it, and the Transylvania level was a little different from the originals. That was the only one they let us play. so not sure if the others are different as well.
It's that voice...I can't watch more than 5 minutes of this show before I want to get up and strangle him.
Well Ted Elliot, one of the writers for the first Pirates film, was attached to the Monkey Isalnd film that never produced.