
Haha. No, i don't sparkle like Armstrong.

Yes, i win! Thanks for answering my questions, but if you're still here. If you could, would you go to Serbia and investigate the vampire lurking around? I understand it is a tourist ploy, but it still sounds like fun and a premise for a new novel. Also Mr. Rollins, Vampire Hunter D also has novels that are

Oh hell naw, why did you have to end the excerpt there? I have a couple of questions for Rollins and Cantrell. I've always wondered how the process of writin a novel with a partner is. How are the duties like plot planning, research, and the actual writing divided? Who approached who about writing a story together?

If you think this is bad(which i do), did you see the fuse or overstrike cover with the character heads cut in half.

I know this is different because i don't have kids, but i do care for my sister's kids more than she does.

Number 3 is too far Rob. Too far.

I will never forget the real extraction mode socom had. That is real extraction.

Sounds like ny next buy. Thanks.

How is the co op?

Ahah. I got cocky durin the latter stages if the game. I threw a flare and then a molotov. The zombies survived long enough and five smothered me. One grabbed me and i put a shot in its neck, as i did, the other zombies finally died around me. It was intense. But now what do i do after beating survival? What game to

People just have to realize these fools just want attention, and being stupid can help get that. But it's really sad to see that some men actually think like this. I work with kids with autism, and one of my client's father was like this. It was pretty sad, all he did was boss his wife around. She was really just a

I just beat it. Had sooo many closes calls though. I took it slow and steady, had to make sure i was about to bash one of the exploding zombies in the head. I just dont know what i'm going to play on my wii u anymore.

Haha that whole movie has awful dialogue. "Seared in my brain!" Haha.

At first i was like oh come on, mega blocks does this stuff for halo. Then i was like kaboom! This was pretty cool. My nephew will love seeing this. Thanks for sharing.

Man look at all the replies to this article. My gt used to be the virusz. When i was young i thought it would be cool to kill some and then people would think they had a virusz figuratively. This was when xbox love first came out. Someone actually said "aww man, i got the virusz. I like that name" After i killed them.

This game is so great. I beat it and now i'm playing survival. I'm so far but so scared of duing still. My first playthrough i basically ifnored flares. I never knew how valuable they are.

Sounds like a good place to be at.

Mmm...today is thanksgiving. I know not everyone celebrates it but come on Charlie. Take a break and relax yo.

Good for Andrea if that's the case. She has become the new Lori. "I didn't like that i liked" the zombie fighting pit. You sure looked like you hated it when you saw it. She's like the new Lori. But it does kind of stink though because she's supposed to be a hardcore woman, and it's cool when grils kick butt. But i