Does it really matter? If it bothers you that much just take deep breaths whenever you see it.
Does it really matter? If it bothers you that much just take deep breaths whenever you see it.
Man i hate those commercials. They do that crap for ifc too
You* sorry fat fingers on phone.
And that zombie that bit herschel reminds me of the zombies in resident evil 6. I know tou are playing dead, but i can't shoot you until i come back, and tou get up. Also, I'm feeling Maggie as a fighter.
Episode was great. Spoiler warning i guess. I just can't believe andrea is still sick. And it looks like there are going to be some inmates who havent seen a woman in a while, if one was not amongst them. The shot was pretty quick. And hehe carl, nice attempt to shack up with blondie. And this episode alone probably…
Yara-ma-yha-who looks like a reject digimon.
Although i don't like sarah sulverman this movie looks great. The premise seems unique, and the animations look great.
I'm guessing it is doomed, and the nbc execs know that. They didn't do it any favors airing it on friday. I'll be too busy picking out the candy in the assorted bags for myself. Yeah, i do that.
Lauren, i can't believe you got me twice in one day. First the cupcakes and now this. I don't know whats more disturbing. Me continuing to click on these images , or you for posting them. And this article is like ripping off a scab instead if poking at it. Hehe.
So i can resist watching halo 4 spoilers on the leaked game, but i can't resist looking at these. >:(
I didn't think this show would last this long.
Time for a halo 4 blackout for me. Owen, please, if any leaks are reported or storied here, please make sure spolier warnings are present.
Back on topic though, i didn't really find myself salvating for more.
Haha i knew someone would say that.
I had no idea what to expect when i clicked here to read the poem. After i read it i chuckled and then smiled. And smiling makes me happy, so thanks for posting this Annalee.
Really we are this far advanced and we're still taking little kids lunches? Some of this is really cheesy, the next couple of episodes better pick it up. If i were a studio exec i would of had a halo movie to begin with, but if i was on the fence this wouldnt sway me into making one so far.
Correction, schindlers list was probably a bad example. I see your probably along the lines of sin city
I know it would be hard to tell it's blood without it being red, but with that being the only color, it gets old quick
I think its her big boobs and how awkward they look in the suit. I never thought i would say that about a woman in my life.