Full Frontal Male

You might be interested to learn that it’s extremely easy to get pirated TV shows in South American countries. Brazil in particular is probably the easiest place to get pirated content in the world. So much so that Netflix has even lower pricing in Brazil than in the USA, should you feel obliged to pay for House of

That sounds cool. My dad was a doctor and his advice was if you aren’t going to be a doctor then I don’t really care what you do. (Meant in a mean way, not a cool, follow your bliss kind of way)

Polo-Waspy mixed with surf-skater wear is pretty much the dominant clothing trend amongst Americans of all ethnicities, ages 16 to 50.

jazzy expatriate

Completing a 5k that slowly would actually be more of a challenge than getting it done in an hour, which is how long it takes to walk.

yeah i see that too

I get your point but it’s not like 25 to 40 year old guys are all that interesting or that dating is that great. That is, I don’t think he missed much “life” by dating this old rich interesting guy vs. doing the typical gay dating life. He actually likely was exposed to a lot of experiences he wouldn’t have. And who