

@ justrick

This should be a given for any Palm owner out there, but just in case:

Zadaz said:

...I guess not. Here's the part that got chopped out:

I'm all about the low-cost, guerilla style photography. I shoot with a tiny little Casio EX Z-500 and manage to get better shots than my friends who have cameras that cost 5-10 times as much.

Whoops, looks like Jonathan Aquino beat me on The Font Thing. For being so into fonts I sure have a problem with reading.


I'm a recently recovered fontaholic, after this article showed me the error of my font-hoarding ways.

Very nice. I used a similar effect for my commentor profile pic, though my technique wasn't quite so elegant.

For myself, this release probably means little in my personal browsing and tons when it comes to web design. I can finally use .PNGs in my site design! CSS shouldn't be quite such a nightmare! I know it's not going to be perfect, but it is atleast bringing "the norm" up to something resembling a standards-compliant

I usually wind up just digging through the closet the day of to throw something together. I always have big plans and I'm always too broke to pull them off.