
Whatever it is, you’re not any good at it.

You’re trying way too hard.

Clicked his profile. This dude is angry A LOT. He needs a trip to nature.

Jason Glad? That you? Go sit down in your seat.

Just realized that guy posted this video from his personal facebook account. Have at it internet.

I knew what that guy looked like even before seeing the second/third video.

The way that guy jumps back.. spineless scumbags

His school isn’t #2 in the district for nothing.

If this were about Canadian Geese, I’d fully support him.  

*up to 15 gallons

Wow, there’s a lot of bitching in this thread. Even more than normal for Deadspin.

During a field goal attempt, touch a ball after it has touched any part of the backboard ABOVE ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight.

NBA rule 11: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball after it has touched any part of the backboard ABOVE ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight.

That ball is definitely below the ring.

Was it a suit jacket? Maybe he thought it was his? This all seems rather pointless.

Mouth breathers are the absolute worst

Those comments on the Instragram post... ouch!

As he humiliatingly looks down at the ground and covers his head... 

Ok, sure, but where’s the article for every other team that hasn’t offered to meet with him? Good for the Bengals on the interview. I hope they pick him up. He’d be a solid addition.

I went fishing one time with my Dad on Lake Erie. The boat he owned had a small cabin in the front. It was considered big for local lakes, but on the small side for larger waves on Lake Erie.

Early on, I wasn’t feeling well. So, I told him I was going to rest in the cabin. He tried his best to persuade me otherwise,

I have cut weight in the past when I fought as an amateur. I didn’t cut as much (170>150), but it’s still brutal.