
Jets typically have a much higher glide ratio than small single engine aircraft. A Cessna 172 has a glide ratio of 7:1. A Boeing 777 has a glide ratio closer to 20:1. However... The landing speed of the Cessna is 4 times slower than a typical jet so people tend to survive the emergency landings a lot better.

The iPhone looks very exposed. I can easily see an accidental "smashing of the phone" in the heat of battle. I think they need to have a more secure mount for the phone that protects the phone better... In case you drop it.

I have an issue with this concept of "smaller wheels = smaller motors. This is simply not true. It is all a matter of gearing. Smaller wheels on rough terrain is a BAD IDEA. They even admit this rover is for solid "not too rocky" terrain. OK... What planet has that? Not the moon. Not Mars. The original moon

If i did not use the case... my phone would be broken within a week.

It needs to be hollow in the middle. That would make it lighter & use a lot less resin.

Combines uncomfortable with UGLY!

Too bad it's made of plastic and the lever will break off about the third time you use it...

Right. So a wing is actually a time machine?

Nothing new. McDonalds has been spraying and invisible DNA mist in the food that makes everything (including you) smell like McDonalds. Ever notice that 2 weeks after you brought home some food from McDonalds in your car... passengers keep asking "Did you eat at McDonalds today?"... ;-)

Unfortunately the legal disclaimer for this vehicle would be larger than the library of congress.

This one is a more interesting video...

It's too bad for Microsoft that they have to spend so much time and money answering tech support calls for each and every one of those 525 million copies of Windows 7. (Most spent asking how to re-authorize the false "genuine advantage" timeout bugs...) Oh well... A vast majority of Windows business users still run

Android just came out with a fantastic new upgrade... O wait... Samsung does not plan to support it on your phone. You just got Samsung-ed so hard, man. So hard.

It's still UGLY.

Anybody got the NEW manual? It's probably on the iTunes University by now.

The wingspan of the Global Hawk is 4 inches wider than a Boeing 737.

Fact: The wingspan of the Global Hawk is 4 inches longer than some models of Boeing 737.

Can't we please just build robots to assemble the iPhones in the USA so we don't have to look at these unfortunate people suffer... Oh wait.... Who makes the robots?

All the "lack of production value" of a reality show without the spontaneity and credibility.

Short attention span theater.