
1.65 million is out of my price range. (Or any sane persons...) But I must admit it is a remarkable achievement.

Not condoning it but... They were only stuck on with "post it" note adhesive. All you had to do was pull it off.

SOPA will do nothing to stop piracy. Pirates will always pirate. All SOPA does is ruin the internet for all of us. SOPA = broken internet.

Not funny.

Austin... This "Hobby" you talk about cannot be avoided of you want o fly. You cannot have 737 pilots or 747 pilots UNTIL they fly a single engine aircraft. Also statistically single engine aircraft are safer than milt-engine aircraft. Also the survival rate of single engine crashes is far higher than multi-engine

Magnetic lava lamp.

These lasers dazzling devices CAUSE PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE! They MAME PEOPLE!

Mat. You are a Goat.

Education = Lower crime rates.

And not one of them EVER had a license plate.

No matter what tech you put into the vehicles... It still depends 100% on the training & skills of the people doing the enforcement. That will not change any time soon.

It's already IN USE. NOW.

Clearly the cell carriers are BEGGING for LAWS and REGULATIONS to prevent this kind of CRIMINAL activity.

Sucks? But wait... I LIKE Siri. It's great. I use it about 10 times a day.

Steve's behavior was tempered with temporary bouts of compassion and charm. I think most people accepted the bad behavior because Steve went right up to the edge of acceptable... And then demonstrated genius. People trusted that.

If he tampered with the back... It might also have been an aftermarket battery too.

This would be considered an orderly cue in most stores in China.

Dancing hamster.

I got so sick on that ride I almost had to be taken away in an ambulance.

Probably a leaky bic lighter in his pocket.