Fu Konchu


Soon they’ll be back, and in greater numbers.

It’s the same thing with me and my brothers. We would latch on the fact that Saiyins would get a power boost the closer they came to death. If life tried to knock us off our game, we’d come back at it 10x stronger.

“a college acceptance letter”

It’s Waluigi Time.

Things are not looking good for Donkey Kong’s Trump-supporting second cousin, Honkey Kong.

I never knew pity and cringe could mix so well.

You could tell at the start of the primaries when people were complaining about being stuck with the ‘dynasty’ candidates. (Remember Jeb “It’s been eight years and I’m still trying to get people to ignore that my last name is” Bush?)

Kudos to A&E for sticking with their ethics. I’m sure this would have been a ratings hit for all the wrong reasons.

Pretty much. We knew Trump was going to be president over a month ago. Anyone who thought otherwise was fooling themselves.

I’m surprised this article doesn’t mention how our new Head of the House Education and Workforce Committee hasn’t seen evidence that students get defrauded despite the whole fiasco involving the Corinthian Colleges early last year.

I think a large part of what led this election is that the democrats failed to address the fact that people just don’t like Hillary Clinton. She’s the most unfavorable candidate we’ve ever had after Trump, but we assumed that since it’s Trump we’re dealing with, people would just hold their noses and vote for her. In

I’m gonna need to stock up on vodka if I’m gonna suffer through 4 years of Trump’s Twits.

I hope he gets well.

I see that “the PATRIOT Act” is underlined.

Why wait 4 years? Democrats have always been lackadaisical when it comes to local and state elections. Now that the nation is basically under one party rule, if we start now we can put ourselves in great position in 2 years when the midterm elections start.

“Hillary should have reached out to them and acknowledged their hardship, instead of calling them deplorables. “ 

Can’t really blame the white vote for going Trump. When was the last time the national democratic party actively tried to court rural white voters? It doesn’t matter if our plans are more beneficial than conservatives’, they have their own particular grievances that we tend to belittle and mock to our detriment. They

And if he doesn’t?

Great to hear that this adorable series is still getting some love. Here hoping a sequel is not too far behind,