
Just because someone makes a racial discrimination claim doesn’t mean they’re right or that you have to agree with them.

I mean, that just fucking sucks. How long has he waited for this opportunity and for it to end like this. I feel really bad for this guy.


This is the perfect argument against those people who say it is ‘wrong’ or ‘cheap’ to break up a perfect game bid by bunting. If a pitcher is still perfect late in the game then what you’ve been doing obviously hasnt been working, so by all means try something else that might work.

Uh no, his entire job is to watch the play unfold and act accordingly. Errors and miscues and bobbles happen all the time in baseball, and since runners dont have eyes in the back of their heads they cant see what is going on behind them. Hence the whole and only point of having a 3rd base coach telling them when to

Well the .gif above pauses the video as he’s planting on third base, but if you pay attention, coach throws up stop sign 2 strides before that. But forget about that, I can promise you these world class athletes that have been playing this game since they were 4 most definitely do not have to ‘concentrate’ to be able

This is hilarious... that someone pretending to be a sportswriter would actually believe this, yeah, hilarious.

The rules of baseball.

Because he’s watching the play, waiting for it to unfold. He threw up the stop sign plenty early enough.

Nah, he’s not gonna put his head down and just run. 3rd base coach threw up the stop sign plenty early enough for him to see it. The runners are watching the coach until they pass him, this is what they have been doing their whole life while running the bases. He saw the stop sign, said fuck it, I got this, and

Ummm... they have a minor league league system full of young pitching. Thats why they have 44 year olds pitching for them this year, to just fill a 1 year gap. One of their prospects is pitching tonight and throwing another gem. Big picture, buddy, big picture.

Yeah except he’s not learning a new position.

Yeah, so whats the problem? Seems like a really smart move by the braves to keep them both in the lineup. What would you do, keep freeman at 1st and take the hot bat of adams out of the lineup? I mean hes willing to make the move and he is a tremendous athlete so I see no issue with this.

Yeah this is exactly right. Michigan is not the NCAA. They are basically telling future recruits, “look we can’t pay you but we are willing to spend lots of money on you to do fun and legal stuff.”

Your narrative is to be an opportunistic shit-bag troll.

Hey shit-for-brains, whats that you were saying? A gunman with an assault rifle opened fire on a field full of politicians and cops... and then what? I missed that part. Yeah they fucking killed him. Of course they were going to kill him no matter what color he was. You’re a fucking waste of a human body. Nice

I dont think thats it. I think that he has such a hard-on for Messi that he has to try and discredit any accomplishment that might challenge Messi’s reign as greatest player ever. And in his eyes there is no bigger threat than Ronaldo and Real Madrid.

We get it, you think Messi is better than Ronaldo. Jesus fucking christ get over it already. Every one of your posts is just you trying to convince us (or yourself, I dont even know anymore) that Messi is better than Ronaldo. Fucking terrible.

Kills him?? Really??? He could try to pitch a ball low and away to him and miss so badly it hits him in the head so should we outlaw pitching altogether? Quit being such a dramatic pussy.

Quit being such a drama queen, he threw at his hip.