Starred but there’s an unnecessary word in there.
Starred but there’s an unnecessary word in there.
This man deserves to be ruined in every way conceivable, legally.
Did you read the article you’re talking about?
It’s barely critical of Overwatch porn and is mostly describing it as a thing that exists. It points out problematic white washing and an emphasis on certain body types, and it also…
It is still a website. A website covering video games. These are video games concerned with BDSM play and culture. Does that help?
Video games are fine. Esports is the issue. They are now dealing with all the usual corporate BS that comes with high level competitions. Money and fame at the expense of all else...
Not as sad as someone defending Vince McMahon. Even ignoring the sexual misconduct he is an asshole on many levels. His shitty treatment of the wrestlers most likely caused the death of a few of them
I I would suggest that the sad little life belongs to the mother fucker stanning for a garbage human being like Vince McMahon
He did cover up a pedophile ring, covered for a murderer, and killed a man by forcing him to do a dangerous stunt knowing he cheaped out on the rigging. What about all the performers he killed indirectly by supplying them with easy access to steroids and painkillers? Plus we don’t know what WSJ or Real Sports will…
Dang, I didn’t realize he was 77 years old. For a split second I wondered how he was doing so well then realized, “oh yeah, he’s rich”. Plus a little hair dye and makeup can do a lot of heavy lifting as far as hiding one’s age.
Good ridance to that genuine piece of human shit. I hope whateveer shit WSJ and Real Sports has on Vince puts him in prison for his final years.
Same thing happened with me and Civ5. Disc didn’t have the game on it at all, the install button downloaded and installed Steam and then downloaded and installed the game. At least with consoles there’s still a way to primarily buy games on disc, but they’ve still got the planned obsolescence because backward…
You’re not missing anything, there’s no substance and frankly the guy is enough of a nothing at this point he’s not worth the time or effort. He’s never recovered from the debate with Zizek anyway.
Ah got it. I was thinking it was an image of the card, but it’s shared ownership. Well, it worked well for Bart, Milhouse, and Martin when they all shared that comic book so I’m sure nothing could possibli go wrong.
Given they aren’t properly regulated, they CAN be, but they don’t actually confer any ownership of those things. I think so far various NFT shit has only been able to be slapped down for IP infringement when they use infringing things to advertise them i.e. a website presence using logos, art, etc. but not for the NFT…
JP is so irrelevant that he’s his own punchline. :)
Not quite. He wants to take something unique by its rareness and sell lots of imaginary shares of it and thereby not have to pay the full price for it himself.
They’re exclusively a shady way to make money.
Mockery is actually exactly how you are supposed to combat fascists.
Not to mention Hitler never had to deal with one of his speeches being mocked by tens of thousands of people on a global network. Bit of a different social climate there.
People laugh at anything ridiculous. The vast majority of those things don’t end up starting a world war. Your anecdote is not evidence.