
Unless it’s ETH that’s been converted to actual cash, it’s an approximation of value. If the floor falls out of ETH tomorrow, those earnings mean shit unless they were cashed out, which they likely weren’t.

Hey, I said you were “an obvious genius and an absolute unit of economics.” But if the compliment made you feel insecure, I guess go off about all the stuff you know, king

Kinda weird to comment that “crypto is making everyone rich” on an article describing people being scammed out of their money trying to buy NFT’s.

Hell, Star Wars Galaxies had serial numbers and the creator’s name (which basically functioned as a “brand name” for players that made high quality items) on weapons and other items almost 20 years ago... it’s functionally the same kind of “strict uniqueness” as NFTs except paying for them in space bucks and hosting

Lemme translate this for everyone:

I could provide proof but what is the point? It would fall on deaf ears.”

“I have no actual proof of anything, and none has ever actually been discovered or shared, but if I think REALLY HARD that is has it’s almost like the same thing”


I swear to god you all are just the same person with a bunch of alts because you all sound identical. Same talking points, complaints, reasons you can’t or won’t go into more detail… almost like crypto is one giant cul— no, wait, that can’t be right. It’s not like it’s a belief in the value of the intangible that

Well there’s three from yesterday that have more comments and there’s several more since yesterday that have roughly the same amount of comments or not that much less. Plus isn’t this how the internet works, people comment and engage more on things they hate. Not a groundbreaking revelation nor is it special to crypto

Every single time with you guys

Called it lol. Crypto dork with a Tombstone-reference screen name started their own thread below to talk about Kotaku’s crypto coverage. They’re as predictable as the hot new crypto venture turning out to be giant Kafkaesque scam lmao

Oh yeah, I saw that guy in a previous thread who was trying to use the metaphor of how NFTs are a new kind of shovel to solve a new problem that old shovels can’t fix... and then ghosted when people asked him to explain what the new problem was that needed fixing.

Crypto isn’t making anyone rich except for the people at the top of the scheme. That’s how pyramid schemes *work*. Also these articles don’t get any more or less comment traffic than others. If you disagree, then I suggest you provide your proof because all this trash comment is, is hurt feefees and baseless statement.

Why I have zero sympathy for victims of crypto scams: These people are out there simply begging to be scammed. In fact, the majority are hoping to be on the ground floor of scams in hopes of selling their worthless crap before the bottom drops out.

It’s almost like in the context of video games and pop culture they have no positive influence at all. Weird huh :) 

The best way to prove that love is to continue commenting on each crypto article. Then you’re really participating in what what you love! High-five!

it’s not making anyone rich, they’re just getting higher and higher on their own farts and dunning-kruger.

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

“Otherdeed has generated Yuga Labs $791,688,432 or 271,425 ETH in sales so far.”

Normally, I’m all on board the “Shilling for Amazon at the same time you’re harping about them is hypocritical actually” train but 1) that’s a banner ad from Google that always changes and is one of the easiest ads to block on the internet. 2) That’s an ad for Fiverr, which lets you hire people to do a wide range of

NFTs sound like signing up for Scientology, you to assimilate a whole bunch of gibberish. 

The answer is usually “no, you've understood it correctly. It's really that dumb."