
Communism is when capitalism.

imagine living in 2022 and still abiding by red scare anti-intellectual propaganda

you’re welcome.

Scarcity is something quite a lot of people enjoy. They’re called billionaires. If the technology to duplicate food items ad infinitum existed, billionaires would do everything in their power to prevent us from feeding everyone who needed food. And they would most likely succeed.

There is literally no reason to create scarcity. If we could copy a loaf of bread in real life, we’d do it. How amazing would it be to just be able to duplicate a food item in infinitum and be able to just feed anyone who needed food?

Added to my watchlist. Thanks!

Now playing

everybody should also watch “In Search Of A Flat Earth”.

Let’s all say it together, folks:

This video is GOLD. Awesomely explained. And nobody is dumb for not understanding how the architecture of this works, because IT’S extremely complex and abstract.

The primary driver of money for them in this space won’t just be sales of NFT items, but the cut they get every time an item is sold and resold again. Endless money for doing literally nothing.

They look more cool and reasonable than either of the pro NFT comments in this thread.

My wife is immunocompromised and there are some vaccines she can't take - not the mRNA ones, though, those are game.

Until it starts to burn you

I have a feeling you are trolling hardcore but this is straight from the CDC checklist that medical professionals are supposed to use:

No, it’s true. For many vaccines there are certain groups that can’t get them: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/should-not-vacc.html.  The main areas I can recall are rare allergic reactions and babies. But those are generally small fractions of the population. As such, most antivaxxers don’t have any valid claims

No, there absolutely are people who are allergic to the point of anaphylactic shock to an ingredient in the vaccine. It’s extremely rare, but it’s not nonexistent. Even the CDC says this. If you have a nonserious allergy to one of the ingredients, you are still definitely safer getting it. 

Chuds: “This is about personal freedom. Companies shouldnt be allowed to choose to not employ and/or serve unvaccinated people. It’s discriminatory!”

Also chuds: “I applaud this bakery for standing up for their beliefs and choosing to discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community.”

Yeah, not exactly the same situation but

As someone who spent a week working Hospital HR and seeing dozens of hospital workers complaining about getting the vaccine, I feel this. Their literal supervisors were getting their shots and yelling at them that it was safe and to stop getting their information off Facebook instead of the actual hospital. 

“This job requires lifting of objects up to 80 pounds.”
“Oh, I can’t do that.”
“Well, then you can’t have the job.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”