
@Wolf_Dog: Yes. You'll also have to have a hockey jersey on while you play and, too keep the Kinect from going into sleep mode at random, you have to shout "Tim Hortons" every half an hour into the microphone.

@Hasseo: A PR stunt for what? For WoW? Does WoW -need- a PR stunt to let people know it exists?

@Tiller: Buying the game does not constitute ownership, a right to play the game, hot coffee was on the disc, etc.

@m_9: I vastly prefer the PSN store to the infinite rolodexes and plain, drab text lists of the XBLM, personally. I also prefer how new releases for everything, from add-ons to new downloadable games, are all listed under one 'New Releases' tab right on the front page, so I can browse to see everything without

It's kind of cute how people on here seem to think that the developers would put the full game up online in a demo without worries or forethought. Or how the entire game would be 1 GB large.

Well that was fast. Didn't this get revealed just yesterday?

My Wal-Mart had UFC 2009 Undisputed in the red box and for $30. Didn't really understand the significance of the red box until I read this article.

I'd probably just drop my Gamefly games in the Netflix slot. If I had Gamefly, anyway.

Eh. I didn't think Web of Shadows was so bad. The combat was better than Spider-Man 2, and the web slinging was just as fun, too. It was sure as hell better than Spider-Man 3, at least.

"But it's not all klaxons and panic stations for the likes of Rock Band, Guitar Hero and SingStar. "While sales of this genre are down 46% year-to-date", Frazier says, "unit sales are down much less because lower prices are playing into the dollar sales decline. It's still the third best-selling genre for the year