Spiegelman's Mobster

Polling means shit, then why bother citing an individual poll of a hypothetical 4-way race involving Sanders, Warren, Biden, and Oprah Winfrey? Also, Warren and Sanders voters are likely to overlap. Biden and Winfrey voters, not so much. Also, if you think Biden should be the nominee in 2020, then you are definitely

You can blame the uninformed, misinformed or bigoted all you want, but it’s not going to get us anywhere. You’re always going to have a preponderance of people that need to be shown and convinced; that’s politics, and the Democratic party has been pathetic at it.

No, that’s primarily the “we failed Mother” crowd of Hillary’s fanbase. I would say it is a huge mistake to simply blame Hillary and leave it at that. But, this idea that we are all just too stupid, bigoted or venal to elect a good president ignores the huge (mostly engineered) systemic issues, like voter suppression,

Hillary going on about grievances over the 2016 election also reinforces an already existing narrative: that the election was always only about her, not any particular policy platform or ideological position. Her attempts at playing the backlash off as nothing more than sexism reeks of cynicism to just about everyone

If Hillary had lost to Rubio or Jeb!, I guarantee there wouldn’t be this much blow-back. Losing to Trump is singularly, uniquely terrible in modern US politics.

It’s dumb to blame politicians for wanting the spotlight regardless; that’s practically what drives them as human beings in the first place. That said, none of these other candidates lost to someone so universally terrible as Trump. The 2016 election was practically handed to her on a platter, and she (and the rest of

He’s been advocating for things that practically no mainstream Dem has had the guts (or financial/political interest) to advocate for: universal single payer, student debt elimination, etc. He also regularly polls far higher than any politician in office today. No person should be “the face” of what should be a

Yes, like Republicans they’re game for us being run by a small contingent of billionaires, but they just want those billionaires to be reflective of America’s diversity.

I don’t know. If Trump’s election has any meaningful lesson to teach, it’s that the Executive Branch is way too powerful to entrust to a single person. Republicans are going to continue running the absolute worst excuses for humanity, and you sure as shit can’t rely on the Dems to win the POTUS every time. If

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned before in the comments, but the show-runners are definitely going to pull the rug from under Fiona via her tenant Bahir and what appears to be a bitcoin mining scam. This season in particular seems focused on debunking the myth that poor people would get ahead if they would just

Maybe it’s the narcissism of small differences, but while I agree about Nebraska, I think Iowa could be lumped in there. Iowa would have more claim to midwestern culture at least. Once you start parsing the whole thing by states, you’re going to run into the simple fact that state boundaries are pretty much arbitrary

You mean as opposed to what they do now where they extend a hand in bipartisanship and get rebuffed, obstructed, and ultimately blamed by a party that would elect a fucking pedophile? Sure, seems reasonable to me.

No, you’re never going to have a situation where Fox News and the rest of the GOP’s propaganda wing won’t have some anti-Dem narrative to sell that will resonate with a lot of voters. For instance, right-wing media is now selling the idea that the Dems are the party of rich elites because Silicon Valley or some such

I don’t know. One thing that’s always bothered me about Franken has been his insistence to treat collegially the scumbags that were his Republican peers in the Senate. He’s even spoken fondly of Jeff Sessions. I’m sorry, but if he wasn’t actively repulsed by them on constant basis, then he’s either extremely naive

This is nothing. The Democratic Party has all sorts of tricks up its sleeve to totally bungle the next election cycle. If you want a good teaser trailer for 2018, look no further than the Illinois Dem party’s naked jobbing for J. B. Pritzker. Apparently the DNC thinks that asshole billionaires appeal to its base too.

Fine that you’re not interested in it. White “liberals” are absolutely part of the problem. Even if racism is the central problem in all of this, what are your proposed solutions, aside from calling for an end to white suffrage? I’d argue that socialist reforms will disproportionately help POC because POC are

I mean, yes, Hillary and the Dems would have won an unbelievable landslide had white people not voted. Also yes, the majority of white people are at a minimum willing to support a racist administration if they think it will help maintain their position in life (which as they view it is at least above most POC). That

One of the most infuriating aspects of this tax bill is that centrist Dems have spent the last decade or more harping on just how difficult and nigh-impossible it is to do tax reform. “Oh, we tried that. The moment we tried to do tax reform and announced specifics a bunch of donors called screaming at us.” The GOP

As the Democratic Party is today, I am honestly not sure if them winning in 2018 and 2020 will be a good thing or a bad thing ultimately. Yes, obviously a Democratic government is vastly better than the one we have now. But, unless they can make huge wins and cement enough of a majority to actually accomplish

“They should be forced to own every last bit of this truly evil shit forever.”