
I've never heard of a movie in Cannes competition that wasn't released/distributed in some form. Films in smaller festivals often seem to disappear forever, though. I'm still waiting to get my hands on stuff like Egg and Stone (2012) or Without (2011).

This is one instance where I'm 100% positive the remake will be better. God, I hated this film.

Jack Gleeson was a good example of how to portray a totally unredeemable villain without making it one-note. He was horrible, but indignant, self-righteous, whiny and kind of funny at times, too.

Osha was a totally defenseless prisoner and he was onto her the whole time because Theon told her everything. There was no skill involved there.

If by aplomb, you mean his inspiration is either Gargamel or Doctor Blight and he totally gives no fucks about it.

He's always been a loose cannon. That's what so tiresome, unrealistic and obnoxious about him. If all he wants to do is torture and chase people with dogs, why the hell is he interested in playing the game of thrones?

Yep. One of my friends said right afterward "At least we didn't have to watch him raping her for a season."

I did notice Osha kept looking out the window, but that was probably her shifty wildling-ness.


God, the scene where he betrays Ned and the scenes where he spews evil filth to the prostitutes would have so much more impact if he were projecting convincing trustworthiness at all other times.

I would buy it if their plan was to oust Ramsey, re-unite the North at Winterfell, then march on the wildlings.

It will be Osha, of course.

I'll have to rewatch the scene, but the wolf lead looked suspiciously decayed and small to me. It could be a) not a direwolf b) Greywolf's head.

Did anyone else think that wolf head looked too small to be a direwolf?*
I would love for this to turn out to be a North conspiracy.

They could have done so much with his character to symbolize the kind of monster created by war, patriarchy, class disparity, etc. Instead they were like "What if he was just a sadistic Backstreet Boy given free reign to do horrible things to people always? Something people can relate to."

Books notwithstanding, it just makes no logical sense. They even try to clumsily address the fact that it makes no sense by having Umber be all "hur hur yeah you're known traitors and kinslayers but I woulda murdered my dad too, so good job."

Yeah, I basically assume 80% of this entire show looks good/is dramatic but is impractical.

The swordfighting choreography in the flashback was just lovely.

Their allegiance to the Boltons still makes no sense. Why don't they just get rid of the Boltons and marry Sansa to one of their own? That mustache-twirling charm is just too much to resist, I guess.

The show does a really terrible job at laying out Davos' motives.