
I’ve actually thought what I would do if I had a chance to meet Trump, probably more than I should—and I confess that if had the opportunity, I’d take it. Make no mistake: Trump is an oozing humanoid pustule on the face of our nation. He is a bright orange blister sloshing with spray-tan solution and

Awesome indeed! Students should absolutely get to dictate their own reading lists, and any work of literature should be automatically dismissed if it is not sufficiently ideologically pure.

From the profile of Dole on the Alston & Bird website:

Except what with global warming and all, maybe you should buy that boat. Or invest in a cabin in the mountains and a whole fuckton of canned goods.

$140,000? Somehow I thought selling one’s country out would be a lot more . . . lucrative. Either Dole’s dead broke—hard to believe, given that he seems to have a cushy sinecure at Alston & Bird—or he’s just screwing us all over for the lulz.

Both of those responses irk the everliving hell out of me. L. Scott Mann seems determined to prove, at very great length, that smug condescension is not the sole province of us liberal elitists. On the other hand, he does appear to be an intelligent individual who is open to dialogue (albeit perhaps more in principle

But by giving disproportionate power to a few swing states, the electoral college system already encourages candidates to ignore huge swathes of the country.

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”