I assumed everyone made spaghetti sandwiches with the last of the left-over spaghetti.
I assumed everyone made spaghetti sandwiches with the last of the left-over spaghetti.
I understand why it’s sometimes necessary to try to put a positive spin on the face of true horror, but I also…
Much like the Grand Canyon, you could see the intensity of my current NOPE face from space.
It’s hard not to judge someone who isn’t able to abstain from cocaine WHILE BREASTFEEDING.
I love how she felt working out how long it would take the cocaine to work its way through her system was good parenting. Because that shit doesn’t get stored in BREAST MILK AT ALL.
Since the charges, Somchai Lisaius has been fired from his job as a crime reporter on KOLD-TV
Completely unnecessary post: I know Gilbert Gottfried in real life. I used to work with his wife, who I had a crush on. My heart was broken in 1996 when she told me via AOL chat she was secretly “Dating the parrot from ‘Aladdin’ “
You guys! My friend’s seven year old daughter wrote Obama because she was upset about people abandoning animals at animal shelters. SHE GOT A LETTER FROM HIM YESTERDAY! A real letter! With a real signature! It wasn’t just a form letter - he acknowledged the things she said in her letter and agreed that, yes, we need…
Please don’t wish that on Wal-Mart shoppers. They’re shopping at a Wal-Mart, they have a hard enough time as it is.
half-fermented bezoar
At long, long last, President Barack Obama has finally let Donald Trump, a desiccated, hollowed-out pumpkin stuffed…
The fact that she is on Facebook under her real name - that she is that smug - makes me want to puke. I have bail money set aside just so if I ever saw her and could confirm it was her, I could punch that ducklip right off her face.
This is ancient news for those of us who lived through this utter abortion of justice. I have never been so disappointed in my life as I was with Judge Belvin Perry who up until that time I regarded as a cornerstone of our local judiciary.
If this shady af PI saw this misconduct in 2008, why is he only piping up 8 years later?