
I was so embarrassed for him. They did Boba so dirty, it was kinda heartbreaking.

“Cor’ blimey! Tha’s the Daredevil, tha’ is!”

Early on someone described Arcade Fire as U2 crossed with David Bowie and The Polyphonic Spree, which is sort of accurate but I don’t think they’re anything that unique either.

Kind of an awesome weekend for religious movie-goers. Christians got to see His Only Son and Jesus Revolution and Satanists got Dungeons & Dragons.

JFC. Were his opinions this sought after when he was the star of Super Troopers? It’s like your lonely grandpa got an audience.

No, Cox and Gleeson.

The Wii-make of RE4 was my preferred version. I suck at using tank controls effectively, and the Wiimote + nunchuck combo was the only controller setup that didn’t leave me feeling like I was fighting the controls the whole time.

Samuel L Jackson as Jay Sherman.  It stinks motherfucker!

Because deer don’t bring me candy once a year.

Um, no. Physical violence is wrong, period. It’s kind of the basis of civilization.

I fucking hate Jimmy Fallon, but I have to admit that milquetoast late night host is the job he was born to have.

Most of the criticism I’ve seen of Velma has run along the lines of it being smug, mean-spirited, and not nearly as smart as it thinks…with the related criticism that the Scooby Doo connection only exists because the show wasn’t good enough to be made on its own merits.

That depends, is Peter Thiel available?

It will never cease to amuse me that he gave up a 13 year marriage to a super model with more money than he has so that he could go 8 - 9 and get blown out in a first round playoff game. 19 years in the league, 3 MVPs, 7 championships, and it wasn’t enough to keep him from trading his family for one more mediocre

First of all, the headline and much of the text of the article is highly misleading in suggesting that ol’ Phil is just going away; as quoted from Variety and buried in the middle of this very article:

Pesci: “You think I’m sexy? Sexy how? Sexy like a bombshell? Do I arouse you?”

Yea I was joking but she seems to be going the Ringo Star all star band route. Maybe go with a few off the board rather than all hof’ers. 

“a high speed collision has never flung me through the windshield at 80mph, tearing apart my skin from head to foot, turning my body into a mangled pile of broken bones, blood, and excrement, that my closest friends and family would never be able to identify. I don’t see why I need a seatbelt”

it’s gone because it was in reply to a comment he dismissed - for some reason, Bobby Peru dismisses any reply that disagrees with him while calling everyone else stupid lol

Didyouknowgaming does what Nintendon`t.