
Fucking Grammys have sidelined hip hop forever. It’s still an old white man’s club. Beck? Arcade Fire? Talented people doing great work but by all quantifiable metrics they shouldnt have won those years.

lol Pandora

This is utterly unsurprisng, since I can’t think of any mainstream director who’s so appallingly desensitized to violence than Vaughn. The casual attitude he has to people in his movies constantly getting murdered en masse without a flinch in his films, and without any real narrative justification, is frankly

Could be Cate Blanchette? 

I think she is strongly motivated not to comment on it or give it further attention. 

You know when I first saw the “im just ken” scene i was like “enough already, this movie is 20 minutes too long”.

I ended up seeing her live completely by chance, when a fruiend invited me to fill a seat at a Lincoln Center revue of Martin Gaye classics featuring various artists, at the last minute. I didnt know she’d be performing.

It’s Bai Ling, I don’t think she does photos any other way, kinda her schtick. Besides, when friends pass, we can’t control the photos we already took with them.

Alan Moore: “Watchmen shouldnt be adapted to another medium because it’s specifically written to be a comic book story, and would not make sense any where else”

Zack Snyder: “Let me show you why!”

I was about to say, isnt this the standard procedure for every film ever made?

Coherence and continuity has never been a priority with these movies. Each one is like a different take on a legend, time swirling like dust through the apocalyptic wasteland of an untethered future.

Whoops sorry lost myself for a minute. 

Because the mad max movies generally dont need continuity? Because they recasted the lead?
I mean, same director, decades between installments, what other criteria? 

Fury Road, though. Some dreams do come true.

I think it;s super hard not to sound like an asshole. H’wood is so competitive for moenyh, projects, reecognitioon that ya just have to relentlessly sell yourself and hype yourself to get the projects you want. It eventually seeps into your persona;.

Are you not entertained? [by Gladiator]

And, ironically, Ian McKellan had a take on that as well. “I suppose I’m not as much a snob as Alec was”. Burn!

Well I hope Ghislaine Maxwell “gets her shit together” too.

You’d think that if anybody in the world already has this “life” thing figured out, it’d be Meryl-fucking-Streep. It was as likely as selling her acting lessons.

if looks could kill

Thank you, not only did a laugh at your comment, I nodded with enthusiastic agreement.