Ha! Seems we’ve reached the point in Odenkirk’s celebrity where someone legit thinks he’s become pretentious. He’s just doing a bit, here.
Ha! Seems we’ve reached the point in Odenkirk’s celebrity where someone legit thinks he’s become pretentious. He’s just doing a bit, here.
This is an absolutely wild list. I admit I read way too too many “best DM song” lists over the years, but this is one of the more original. Two songs from Spirit, Miles Away, Agent Orange (which is great), etc, you just dont usually see songs like those pop up on a top 30
Glad to see this so high up. The Wii version to me is the definitive RE4, I can’t imagine playing it with regular controls.
That’s a great point. The whole choice to save Ellie was totally rushed in the show. My partner who never played the game totally missed that plot beat. “Why is he killing everyone?” She basically looked at her phone for a few moments when Marlene was laying out the reality to Joel, and the biggest “moment” of the…
I think you acknowledged this but it was Tommy Lee Joones who said that to Jim Carrey.
When Schumaker was asked about this by Charlie Rose, his take was that “Tommy was actually jealous of Jim Carrey. Tommy _hated_ being upstaged. So his whole over the top performance was TLJ’s effort to upstage Jim Carrey. But you do…
It’s worth noting that The Room didnt take off “following its release”, it seemingly took off after Seth Rogan and [cant remember] got sick of seeing the billboard and decided to catch it during its original “run”. They drew attention to it and possibly gave it just enough of a profile boost for it to start gaining…
It’s there way of avoiding some deranged commenter taking this shit personally and stalking their socials.
That’s a compelling theory actually, cause dark images are the first to go when there’s bandwidth issues.
That’s because all your hopes and dreams of what the last seasons could be have already been dashed. Now you’re just watching it on its own terms. It may be perfectly serviceable on its own terms, but the terms suck.
OMG Elvis Presto.
He wasnt the star though, it was the 3D glasses that came in the newspapers. EVERYONE was talking about it. I remember waiting for the half time show VIVIDLY. It kinda worked okay but the act was cheesy AF.
Missed opportunity to title it “Reversible”
Im sure there are a contingent of people that take issues with the diversity angle of Velma, but frankly the show is terribly written and frankly off putting in ways that have nothing to do with the cast’s diversity. If anything the cast’s diversity is a GREAT idea, it’s just wasted on this abjectly terrible show.
You think that, subconsciously as a society, we are hungering for a show that shows us the bleak, lifeless reality of (sub)urban sprawl in its settings? I cant think of any other explanation for folks being so pedantic.
Yes i saw them open for nin i think in dec 93 or 94, in 95 they were touring alone-ish.
I guess credit is due for getting through a whole Brady-retirement post without mentioning speculation that his un-retirement led to his fractured marriage.
Totally. TWD’s shitty budget really hampered it - so, so many scenes in the woods. But it ended up being a metacommentary on the go-nowhere, shallow, repetition of its storylines. Without a meaningful story arc, sets, budget, the show instead had to rely on killing main characters as its sustenance.
Dont doubt it. I saw MM on that ‘95 tour, caught them at the Philly show. This was before the Sweet Dreams cover, before they blew up, and they were either opening for NIN or playing medium/small venues, like the TLA in south street Philly.
The premise of this show sounds seriously retrograde. If it were a trailer for an 80s movie, id be less surprised.
All Joe wants to play these days is the bombshell.
C’mon everyone, keep this thread going! It’s nowhere near longer than it ever needed to be.