
The worst part for me would be constantly having to answer questions about my neck tattoo, or the stares. Lots of respect for people who aren’t bothered by that, less OCD than me

Sweet, now I can skip whatever shitty documentary they run on cable about this tour. You just did the depressing soul crushing highlights for me!

Man that’s old! Butgooooood

Because you’d have to know his backstory. If you don’t, you’re stuck playing a broken game that is overpriced. The most obvious speculation to make is that you’ve been scammed. Sure, you’d be wrong, he’s an earnest man making games with a... what can kindly be described as a lack of self-awareness... but how would you

“both characters have a long history of baring their upper buttcheeks in Street Fighter”
This kind of implies that it wasn’t a bunch of dudes that designed the character and her outfits for her, but rather the video game’s animated sprite had her own agency and wardrobe selection.

Literally haven’t heard this song in 21 years, thanks for posting!

It’s weird to see Jezebel and Breitbart celebrating the same news.

Fuck yes!

Read my mind. I hate that volume block visual

it also seems very likely that his *frankly self-imposed* long stretch of only making child-friendly output has prevented a healthier expression of adulthood, manifesting in this f-bomb happy persona, like a 12 year old trying to impress folks at the Adult Table by cursing constantly.

“Focus on the content you find positive, and you will change more minds”

You should read this!! I think if we all focused on prioritizing love and biracial relationships this whole stupid argument would be skipped:


Spot on. Guess everyone needs to write and shoot more movies.

I don’t see how this exclusionary tactic will be helpful to your POV.

I think they’re both equally valid opinions. One thing in common is that they are both encumbered by very narrow lenses of interpretation derived from their own life experiences, but that’s normal when it comes to opinions.

Using a real life story, instead of a Hollywood fiction, will complicate your arguement.

It’s an uncontested fact that slavery existed elsewhere in the world prior to and during the time of American Slavery; however significant evidence supports the fact that American and West Indian slavery was by far the cruelest form in the entire world.