
But why do they require such insane specs to run?

Redacted! Commented before reading the entire post.


Remember that clip in the video room in The Witness?

Haha “Movies are a script”. I’ve seen directors butcher scripts during shooting countless times. Even directors that supposedly follow their scripts change them a lot. I have final drafts before production scripts for a handful of movies I worked on with Scott Rudin, and they vary greatly from the finished product.

LOL, I don’t understand why I’ve dropped over 1000 hours in this game and haven’t noticed that yet.

What’s weird is, I thought we as a nation figured this out in, like, 1985.

Or give people the option of a treatment if they want one.

I agree with you so much. When I was 12, I got tired of being made fun of and subjected myself to a horror film marathon (and Tales From The Crypt) until I could control it, but once horror videos games got..well.. realistic, I was back to square 1. And I’m nearly 40 years old!

Except that’s not what they did

If you’re saying ideas are violent and should be responded to with physical violence, you’ve inadvertently sided with some of the most infamous mass-murdering dictatorships of human history. It’s fucked up to classify ideas as dangerous and worthy of hurting people. If he were inciting people to violence at that

So pre-emptive punching is your solution?

Yeah, you’re into name-calling.

Outside guess here! But maybe there are other things going on in this big ‘ol universe that the previous movie didn’t cover? But were happening at the same time? I mean its not like literally everyone in the galaxy was just chillin’ sippin’ martinis on the veranda while Rey and Co. had their big adventure.

I never said ignore them.

That is a bit of a leap.

i agree nazis are a threat

Dear Alexa,

But don’t you think being provoked into committing the first violent act is worse?

It’s a droor, FYI