
I’m hoping you’re being sarcastic. Shores score for Lotr is... posiibly the cheesiest mainstream score of all time.

Barf barf Howard Shore barf.

Weird! I had no idea.

This may have been funny but I honestly couldn’t take reading more than three sentences or so about either of these masterworks, even ironically.

You forget that when guys say “S my D”, it’s usually an insult directed at women (“if she dont like it, she can...”) or men they deem weak, (“if ya’ll have a problem with me you can...”). See the pattern here?

My guess is you will look back on your comment in five or ten years, when you get your drivers license or something, and think “hey, yeah, it’s easy to take this comment differently if I put myself in some other people’s shoes, and maybe I shouldn’t have passionately defended it so,” but until then we will patiently

The shockwaves in Spain are felt mainly on the...?

I dont know about you but I elected Alan Aurmont king, so his word is bond as far as I know. I better finish Luke Cage quick!

Half the reason I own an apple thunderbolt 1 monitor is its use as a docking station. I’m a producer and am still years away from phasing out multiple USB, firewire (gah), ethernet, etc connections. Having to research, test, and then fit another box that does this into my setup if i ever upgrade is going to be a huge

You’re just jealous that no one will bring you your sandwich when here you are, stapled to a vacuum.

What, so we’re prejudiced against dumb animals? And that’s somehow better than being prejudiced against sea animals?

As the mother of several brainchildren, I can tell you it takes a village to raise that thing into a well-rounded brain-pre-teen.

I bought this coffeemaker based on your original review, and my opinions on it differ. I still use it though.

I bought this coffeemaker based on your original review, and my opinions on it differ. I still use it though.

Geeze, do I have to google what movie it was for?

Is there a stage where you spend endless hours in a trench, see a young man who’ve you spent most of those hours with get his head blown off, his body tumbling to the dirt just a few feet from your station? And then your forced to stare at his dead body for days on end, because it’s too dangerous to retrieve or move

Pharma lobbyists do not care about marijuana.

I owe you a drink, Christina! All morning there’s been a crazy whistling in my office that I could not track down, driving me bonkers. I just read this post and sure enough! It was coming from a “PowerJive” third party iPhone charging adapter! Mystery solved! BY COINCIDENCE!

Yeah I always kind of smile and nod when people start complaining about Dylan. I’m surprised they feel pressure to do so. When the guy who ran 4chan was asked about some of the legal-yet-troubling content on his site, his response was “focus on the content you find positive”.

SO are people not reporting Pinterest is down because they are too embarrassed to admit they use Pinterest?

Every example you’ve provided compromises your position, and I haven’t read a thing about this event outside of your article.